Thane : Representation was submitted to Police Commissioner Shri. Sanjay Jadhav, demanding action against illegal sale of harmful crackers which have pictures of Deities and great national leaders. He said, “We shall send this representation to concerned police station. Your activities are very good.” He instructed his personal secretary to send the representation to police station immediately. Shri. Rupesh Punyarthi of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and devout Hindus viz. Sou. Nisha Birari and Sou. Shubhangi Pawar were present on the occasion.
Sou. Sangita Gund of HJS and members of ‘Dharmashikshan’ class viz. Smt. Salvi and Sou. Anita Giri submitted similar representation to Dy. Police Inspector Madhuri Ghadge.