Learning first aid for using it for protection of citizens during period of crisis is the need of the hour ! – Sadguru Satyawan Kadam
Khed : Forthcoming period is going to be period of crisis. There will be natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, fire, volcano eruptions etc; along with man-made calamities like riots, bomb blasts, arson. It is therefore, necessary to learn about first aid for protection of self, family members and other people of this country. It is the need of the hour and is a national duty of every citizen, stated Sadguru Satyawan Kadam in his guidance on 25th November, during ‘first aid’ workshop organized by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at Ayani-Mete Tapodham in this taluka. 60 persons attended this workshop.
Shri. Mahendra Chalke first explained the purpose of holding such workshop. Dr. (Sou.) Sadhana Jarali gave information, using audio-video medium, on basic medical aid for protection of life. Demos were also conducted in groups on examining patient, first aid on patient for heart attack etc and different ways of carrying patients.