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‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ held at Hindupuram village in Andhra Pradesh

Hindupuram (Andhra Pradesh) : Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha was held with the initiative of Shri. B. S. Vidyasagar, former Mayor and a local devout Hindu, for creating awareness towards the mission of establishing Hindu Rashtra. Local devout Hindus spontaneously helped in making all arrangements for advertising, booking of hall for ‘sabha’, lodging and boarding etc.

Shri. B. S. Vidyasagar said, “I am trying to hold such ‘’sabhas’ in ten villages. I want to create awareness amongst people from every village from the viewpoint of strengthening ‘Hindutva’.” All expenses incurred related to organization of this ‘sabha’ were borne by him.


A 73 year-old woman had come for the ‘sabha’ by travelling 138 kms distance. She told her daughter about her wish to attend the ‘sabha’ either by a vehicle if arranged by her daughter or by bus, when she heard about it. Later, photo of that woman was shown to Sadguru (Sou.) Anjali Gadgil when she said that spiritual level of that woman was 63%.

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