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First-aid camp held by HJS at Agrewadi (Tal. Lanja)

Learning first-aid to face the forthcoming period of strife is national duty ! – Dr. (Sou.) Sadhana Jarali

Lanja : There will be several natural calamities coming in the impending period of strife. It is therefore, necessary to learn first-aid for facing such period and for self-protection. We need first-aid in daily life when we face situations like burning, scalding, grazing, fire, accident etc. We can join the task of nation-building by setting up disaster management squads for saving nation’s wealth in the form of its citizens and soldiers etc, during the period of crisis. Let us learn first-aid remedies for preparing ourselves through such first-aid work-shops, was the appeal made by Dr. (Sou.) Sadhana Jarali while addressing first-aid work-shop held at Shri Ganesh Mangal Karyalaya. She spoke on the topic of basic life support aid and Dr. (Sou.) Geeta Yalgi spoke on internal bleeding while Shri. Bapusaheb Patil spoke on first-aid. The work-shop was attended by 70 people.

Under ‘Basic Life Support’, participants were shown demo on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation on dummy. All participants learnt the technique of chest compression. Demos were also held on examining patient, internal bleeding and remedies and how to prepare stretcher and carry patient. Kum. Shruti Mandavkar compeered the program and Shri. Vinod Gadikar explained the purpose of holding such work-shop.

Shri. Bandu Chechara from Ratnagiri and Shri. Shriram Karambele from Lanja narrated their experiences of extending help with God’s grace after learning first-aid.


1. Dr. Santosh Nanoskar, Ratnagiri – Confidence increased that I too can take such classes and will try to start classes at Ratnagiri.

2. Shri. Vinayak Phatak, Devrukh – Got to learn in this class what correct action needs to be taken

3. Shri. Mohan Bedekar, Ratnagiri – We just watch when any incident takes place; but now, I feel confident that we would be able to help in such situations.

4. Shri. Sunil Padhye, Nate – We may not be able to save someone’s life on learning first-aid but if God wants to make us medium, we can try to some extent, to repay debt to society.

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