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Spontaneous response to publicity of Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha planned at Panvel

Activists of HJS extending invitation of ‘sabha’ to local residents

Panvel : On 6th January 2019, ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ has been organized on the ground of Middle Class Society at 5.00 p.m. Publicity of this ‘sabha’ was started at various villages in Panvel taluka; so also at new and old Panvel. Increasing response is being received from local devout Hindus and ‘jidnyasus’. More than 30 villages have been visited in connection with publicity of this ‘sabha’.  Need for ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’, need for Hindu unification etc was explained while extending invitation for the ‘sabha’. Good response was received and help is also received for organizing this ‘sabha’. So far, 28 meetings have been held in city and villages and more than 400 people have been contacted in this context. The subject of ‘sabha’ has been explained even at venues where ‘Akhand Harinam Saptah’, ‘Yoga-classes’, ‘Mahila-mandala’ etc are held through which more than 1000 people were told about the ‘sabha’. Local youth are participating spontaneously at many places.

  1. One young Hindu collected 25-30 young men at Sawla village, Rasayani for understanding the issues to be taken up in the ‘sabha’. He took initiative in distributing 1000 hand bills for advertising of the ‘sabha’.
  2. Youth from Shirdhon village took initiative and decided to take out ‘Prabhat-pheri’. They also said that they would bring ‘kranti-jyot’ of ‘Adyakrantiveer Vasudev Balwant Phadake’ for the ‘sabha’.
  3. Sarpanch of ‘Kon’ village promised to explain the subject to local residents and bring them for the ‘sabha’. Many local residents said that there was need for holding many such ‘sabhas’.
  4. Few rickshaw-drivers were ready to display posters of the ‘sabha’. Organizers of mammoth ‘Dharma-sabha’ held by ‘Vishwa Hindu Parishad’ also made an appeal to attend ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’. Advertisement of ‘sabha’ was done even through ‘What’s AP’, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc. It was viewed by thousands of people.

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