Resolve to join activities creating awareness towards Hindu Rashtra during ‘Gram-sabhas’ held at Julewadi and Kanchanpur
Tasgaon : ‘Hindu Rashtra-Jagruti Sabha’ has been organized at Tasgaon on 10th February 2019. In this background, ‘Gram-sabhas’ were held at Julewadi and Kanchanpur. Devout Hindus spontaneously attended these ‘Gram-sabhas’. They made a resolve to take active part in creating awareness amongst people towards Hindu Rashtra. ‘Gram-sabha’ of Julewadi was held at Shri Lakshmi Mandir and was attended by 55 devout Hindus, including Shri. Ravindra Khot (Yadav), the President of ‘Tanta-mukti Samiti’; Shri. Yogesh Khot of ‘Shri Shivapratishthan Hindustan’; devout Hindus viz. Shri. Rajesh Fadatare, Shri. Rahul Khot etc. ‘Gram-sabha’ of Kanchanpur was held at Vitthal Mandir and attended by 60 devout Hindus. Sou. Vidya Jakhotia explained the importance of ‘sadhana (spiritual practice)’ and its use in leading happy life.