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Indian cricketers lack love and respect towards their Nation and Dharma

Phalgun Shukla Chaturthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

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Indian cricketers lack love and respect towards their Nation and Dharma whereas the players from other countries are patriots and staunch believers in their religion

Indian players play cricket for money and fame. They are neither bothered about the poverty-stricken Indian citizens nor about the country !

Therefore, despite earning billions of rupees, they do not help the country in the period of crisis as a social obligation. There is no patriotism in them which is evident from many instances. They do not even pay due respect to the National Flag. While representing a country, the point of patriotism is of utmost importance.  The players are ignorant about the fiery history of the country as also about the social and political situation in the country; whereas players like from England, are staunch patriots; they play with an inner energy with a feeling that ‘the country should win’. The foreign players take help of spirituality also for improving their game. Indian players, however, never take help of spirituality although the spiritual science is fully developed in India. We shall ponder over the points related to the mentality of the players showing lack of love and respect towards their country and Dharma in this third part of the article.  

5. Mentality of Indian players showing lack of patriotism and respect towards their Dharma

5.a. Meaning (money) less social obligation of Indian cricketers !

5.a.1.  While extending financial aid to the distressed, Indian cricketers never pay from own pockets : Special matches are played to raise funds for the people affected by some calamity; but none of the players help in personal way. One-day salary is generally deducted from the poor employees working with the Government and private companies. Nobody, however, knows whether such help reaches for whom it is meant for. (Sanskruti-darshan: Vaidya Suvinay Damle, Atharva Plaza, Kudal, District Sindhu-durga )

5.a.2. Indian cricketers offer social service with people’s money: Cricketers extend financial help to anyone whether distressed or anyone for that matter with people’s money. It is never heard that any cricketer had offered his pay-packet to any distressed / affected person; e.g. Saurav Ganguly auctions his shirt which was removed and swiveled by him after winning a test match. Cricket tournament is organized once again, to help people affected by tsunami. These cricketers see to it that their ‘bank balance’ is not touched. – Mr. Sanjay Digambar Mulye, Ratnagiri (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 20.3.2005)

5.b. Incidents of Indian players insulting national symbols

5.b.1. Look at the freedom-fighters and revolutionaries who never let the National Flag fall on the ground and the present national players who insult National Flag in their happiness to celebrate victory : On 24.9.2007, India won the world cup in 20-overs tournament. Few players borrowed the National Flag held by the spectators and took a round of the cricket field. Later, some players not only wrapped the flag around them; but also trampled on it in their post-win rough and tumble. Some of the players crumpled the flag in their hand. The insult of our National Flag by the players on the ground was most condemnable. It would have been a matter of fierce patriotism had the players representing India, like players from other countries honoured the National Flag. This incident occurred because of lack of patriotism among our players as also among people in India who did not take the players to task. (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 25.9.2007)

5.b.2. Indian cricketers and Cricket Association lack patriotism as they remain indifferent even when foreigners make mockery of their National Flag

5.b.2.a. Indian cricketers keep quiet even when an Australian citizen wraps Indian Flag on his bare body to tease Indian players : During the match played at Melbourne, Australia, when Indians were fielding, one Australian citizen came on the ground without wearing clothes. He wrapped Indian Flag around him and started running helter-skelter on the ground. The unrefined citizen of Australia did such thing to tease the Indian players maligning India’s image. (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 29.12.2007)

5.b.2.b. Anti-national Rajasthan Cricket Board which spreads National Flag on the table and does nothing when a foreigner keeps a glass of liquor on it: Rajasthan Cricket Board had invited a foreigner for the final one-day cricket match between India and Pakistan scheduled on ‘Sawai Mansingh Stadium’ in Jaipur when National Flag was spread on the table and that foreigner had kept his glass of liquor on the Flag on table. (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 26.11.2007)

5.b.3. Sachin Tendulkar misuses the National symbol and the Central Government does nothing ! : There was a problem over the National Flag worn by the famous Indian player, Sachin Tendulkar on his helmet while playing on the ground. This player had made a mistake of putting the emblem of Cricket Board above the National Flag. The Home Ministry wrote a letter to the Cricket Board seeking explanation. There were lot of discussions on how wearing National Flag on helmet amounts to its insult; but if the action was leading to insult of National Flag, none of the concerned person was punished for the mistake. – Mr. Santosh Gawade, Sindhu-durga (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 15th August 2005)

5.b.4. Sachin Tendulkar insults National Flag by cutting a cake in the form of National Flag : Indian cricket team was on tour to West Indies in connection with the World Cup tournament. During this period, Sachin Tendulkar’s birthday was celebrated at Jamaica in the presence of Indian High Commissioner K. L. Agrawal. He cut a cake made in the form of National Flag. He did not feel that it could lead to insult of National Flag nor any player or the Indian High Commissioner present there felt anything objectionable with the same. The Congress Government in the Center also did not issue notice to Sachin. One patriotic citizen named Rajesh Bidkar, however, took notice of the same and filed a case against Sachin Tendulkar in Indore High Court for insulting National Flag. (Indian Express Dot Com)

5.b.5. What right the players have, who cannot stand in disciplined manner while the National Anthem is sung, to represent the country? – During the fourth test match played between India and Australia at Adelaide Grounds, the national anthems were sung by the respective players on 26th January 2008 which was the Independence Day of Australia and Republic Day of India. One channel had shown that some players had insulted our National Anthem. As the National Anthem was sung, players like Sehwag, VVS Lakshman, VRV Singh, Yuvaraj Singh, Dinesh Kartik, Rahul Dravid, Irfan Pathan and Wasim Jafar were not standing in attention but were looking here and there. Saurav Ganguli had even combed his hair during the anthem. People from different parts of the country had voiced their displeasure over the same. (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 27.1.2008)

5.c. Points regarding lack of patriotism among cricketers

5.c.1. Indian players advertise for foreign companies for money exhibiting their lack of patriotism ! : ‘That Sachin drinks Pepsi; therefore, I am also going to have Pepsi,’ is our mentality. Sachin has received Rs. 33 crores for that advertisement. It is not only that the companies are foreign; but so much of money they charge for their products, goes to their countries. These companies which are paying Rs. 15/- for water worth 50 paisa, are actually looting Indians; besides, badly affecting their health. To advertise for such companies and in a way being instrumental in creating harm for the country, is it not the highest type of treason? The captain of the country is selling imported shoes. All our renowned players advertise for foreign companies for money. We should boycott all of them.’ Sanskruti-darshan: Vaidya Suvinay Damle, Atharva Plaza, Kudal, District Sindhu-durga )

5.c.2. Indian cricket team which lack nationalism, played against Pakistan in the world cup when India –Pakistan war was fought in Kargil and the then BJP Government did not raise any objection to that ! :
In May 1999, Pakistani army marched forward to Kargil, Drass Batalik area in Kashmir wedging war against India. Attention of the whole country was towards this war and Indian cricket team was playing world cup matches in England. When it played a match with Pakistan in the semi-final round, the war was on. It was expected that the Indian team should have refused to play such match with the enemy country and help Indians to mentally prepare to face the war situation. It would have indicated patriotism of the players to boycott matches. It might have been arranged to play match with some other country had India refused to play with Pakistan; but the Indian team did no such thing because the players had no patriotic feelings. The BJP Government which had broken all diplomatic relations with Pakistan during the war, did not raise any objection for India playing cricket match with Pakistan. – Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri (25.2.2011)

5.c.3.  It will have to be seen that how many captians of Indian team who have led the country, really had patriotism! :

When the team loses any match, does the Indian captain feel that it is the saddest day in his life? Does he sleep that night skipping his dinner? Is he able to sleep that night? Please remember that if it is so, only then he is patriotic; else he is not. – Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri (3.4.2005)

 5.d. Cricketers lack ‘Dharmabhiman (respect towards Dharma)’ !

5.d.1. Look at the Pakistani players who will bow on the ground remembering Allah whereas Indian cricketers forget to show any indication of their religiousness! : During the Ganesha Festival, India won the international cricket tournament of 20 overs. Indian players expressed their happiness in different ways; but unfortunately, none of the players remembered to say ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’. – Mr. Arvind Vitthal Kulkarni, senior journalist, Mumbai (Weekly Sanatan Prabhat, Year 2007 / Issue 46)

5.e.  Ignorance of Indian cricketers about history !

5.e.1. Indian cricketers had no knowledge that Mahatma Gandhi had faced apartheid in South Africa ! : This is a story of World-cup held in South Africa in the year 2003. One of the matches was at Pietermaritzburg. On 7th July 1893, Mahatma Gandhi, although holding a first class ticket, was asked to get off from the train at this very station by a policeman. The Parliamentary Committee of South Africa depicted that scene by decorating the train like it used to be 110 years back and took the Indian players and journalists on that train in memory of that incident. It still gives me goose pimples when I remember that incident. It was a ride through history; but Sachin missed it only because his finger was hurt. Other than 2-3 players like Dravid and Kumble, others had no idea about what had happened in the past. Fortunately, they had heard the name of Mahatma Gandhi. Everyone was in a mood to go to disco after getting off that train. – Mr. Dwarkanath Sanzagiri (Ref. Dainik Loksatta, 22nd January 2006, an article titled ‘Amha kay tyache?’)   

5.e.2. A cricketer did not know how Bangla Desh came into existence after the India-Pakistan war of 1971 ! – We had played in Bangla Desh in the year 1998. 80% of Bangla Deshis were supporting Pakistan. (Bangla Deshis pro-Pakistani mentality and hatred for India ! – Compiler) While chatting with 3-4 Indian cricketers, once I angrily said, “India freed this Bangla Desh. Our soldiers have shed their blood for them and these people are supporting Pakistan?” The cricketers were flabbergasted. One cricketer from Western Zone said to me, “What are you saying? When did this happen?” Now, it was my turn to be flabbergasted. Even then I very calmly said, “It was in 1971.” The player said, “That time, you must be about 20-21 years old; that is why you know about it.” I felt irritated and said, “It is not the matter related to my birth. I was not born in the year 1942; but I can tell you about ‘Chale jao’ movement. One needs to read for knowing such things, should be interested in history.” The cricketer was not at all affected by my outburst. He ignored my words like a ball is ignored when bowled on the off-stump. – Mr. Dwarkanath Sanzagiri (Ref. Dainik Loksatta, 22nd January 2006, an article titled ‘Amha kay tyache?’)  

6. Cricketers from other countries are proud of their Nation and Dharma !

6.a. Social and national obligations of players from other countries !

6.a.1. Sri Lankan players return to their country, leaving the tournament in between, to help the Nation during the calamity of tsunami !: Tsunami hit the South coast of India, Indian islands so also Sri Lanka and Indonesia, countries located in Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004. The countries faced huge loss of life, wealth and nature. Sri Lanka cricket team was touring New Zealand at that time. Sri Lankan players were very sorry to hear about the extensive damage caused and they called off the tour and went back to Sri Lanka. The captain had said, “Our country needs us more.” After reaching, they immediately joined the national campaign for helping the affected people. – Shri. Chetan Rajhans, Nagpur (25.2.2011)

6.a.2.  Daniel Vettori, the Captain of New Zealand team expressed regret that he could not help the people from his country affected by the earthquake owing to the ongoing World Cup tournament thus exhibiting his patriotism ! : The World Cup tournament 2011 has started. Recently, New Zealand was struck with severe earthquake in which more than 100 citizens lost their life. The helplessness expressed by the captain of New Zealand team showed his feeling of social obligation towards his country. He had said, “It has become difficult to concentrate on the game as many citizens had to lose their life in the earthquake. I am feeling helpless; as from here, it is not possible to do anything for the country.” (Lokmat, 25.02.2011)

6.a.3.  Patriotic team of South Africa forces the international cricket board to render apology for insult of their National Anthem: During the 2011 World Cup tournament, South Africa was to play their first match on 24.2.2011 at New Delhi. Before the match started; as the South African team came on the ground, their national anthem was played; but owing to defective recording, it was stopped in between. The South African players, therefore, completed the song without the music and then registered their protest with the international cricket board against insult of their national anthem. The international cricket board has rendered apology to the South African team in this regard.

6.b. Patriotism shown by the English players during the match !

6.b.1. Every Indian player must have intense respect towards his country and culture like the British player Denis Compton has about being ‘English’ !: Before trying to find out the most effective remedy for the Indian team’s malady of ‘sudden collapse’, let us see the example of the famous English player Denis Compton. He is counted as one of the top 10 players in the past 100 year’s history of cricket. Critics have written a lot about his footwork, style of playing different strokes, confidence etc.; but Ted Corbett, the renowned English critic has said, “Compton used to defeat his opponent as he used to play with the realization that the English were the best among all races, sects, castes in the world and the supremacy should also reflect in his game.” Compton was very proud of his culture. Out of that pride, he used to get inspiration to play and make his country win. A battle is always won out of the pride for one’s history, culture, country and religion. How many from the old and new generation of players, right from Gavaskar to Ganguly, are proud of their Hindu lineage and Hindu culture? –  Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat ; 3.4.2005)       

6.b.2. The former English cricketer Ian Botham used to feel that defeat in cricket was a blot on the national identity ! : In July 1999, the English team was defeated by New Zealand in the match played on Lords Grounds. After their defeat, the former cricketer Ian Botham had said, “This defeat is very disgraceful. I am feeling ashamed of being English.” (Dainik Maharashtra Times; 27.7.1999)

6.c. Look at the English players who take spiritual help to win a cricket match and Indian players, despite belonging to a spiritual country, have forgotten spirituality !

The English players and their manager invite their spiritual preceptor for spiritual help to win. The Pakistani players too open their arms and give the credit of their every win to their God; whereas although India is a spiritual country, Indian players have forgotten spirituality; therefore, they take credit of their win, forget seeking spiritual help and later, are beaten up in every match. Indian players should also be aware that everything is possible with only their spiritual strength. The following explanation is given to make them understand the point.

6.c.1.  Rev. Andrew Winfield, a missionary/ spiritual preceptor from the sports field was invited to help England win the match: Rev. Andrew Winfield –Digby is a famous spiritual preceptor in the field of sports. This Reverend is one of the pillars of the movement called ‘Christians in Sports’. There are about 7000 people only in England who call themselves as the supporters of this movement. He was called in the ‘Dressing Room’ of the English players in the year 1991. He was invited by Ted Dexter, the President of the Selection Committee. It was then published in their local newspapers that ‘this year England, for sure, has the support of omniscient, omnipresent God – that too officially’. Before the first test match played with West Indies at Headingly when Rev. was going towards the ‘Dressing Room’ smoothing down his coat and the West Indian skipper Vivian Richards shouted from the passage of the sports complex winking his eyes, ‘O Rev. Andrew, hope that you will pray for both the teams and not only one team!” Reverend somehow managed to answer, “Oh yes ! God will support both the teams.” (Maharashtra Times, 7.7.1991)

6.c.2. Miracle took place in the presence of spiritual preceptor that turned the outcome of the match: The manner in which English batsman Mark Ramprakash played that day was something divine. While fielding, Ramprakash stopped one ball by diving in the air and made one run-out, this turned the result of the match.  It was nothing but a miracle! The spiritual preceptor  Winfield-Digby said that the English team manager Dexter had written to him in a letter that the doors of English ‘Dressing Room’ would always be open for me and I was heartily welcomed there. Of course, it is also true that some had become restless due to the presence of divinity.  In cricket, ‘Dressing Room’ is not just a place to change clothes; but it has a special standing, it’s a pious place.  (Maharashtra Times, 7.7.1991)

6.c.3. Christian players feel that competency in game is God’s gift ! – Winfield-Digby, a renowned spiritual ‘Guru’ in sports field said very politely, “A true Christian player thinks that the capability in him is a quality given by God. With same grace he should show his skill in other things also.” (Maharashtra Times, 7.7.1991)

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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