Bhandup (Mumbai) : The Government should pass an Ordinance for building huge Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, the birth-place of Shriram, was the demand made during a program of chanting session held by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) on 12th January at 6.30 p.m. at Hanuman Mandir, Gaodevi Marg, Bhandup (West). People collectively chanted Shriram’s name. Shri. Rajesh Golapkar, President of BJP’s State legislative constituency; Shri. Vijay Thombare, the Priest of Shrikrushna Temple, Shri. Sandesh Ghadigaonkar, Shiv Sena’s PR-Chief for Kanakavali; Shri. Sitasharanji, the Priest of Hanuman Mandir and activists of HJS and Shri Shivapratishthan Hindustan attended the program. Signature drive was undertaken on this occasion, for construction of Ram Mandir and signatures were obtained from people on the representation to be submitted to the Government on the subject.