Akola : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ in 5 villages, in the month of January. These ‘sabhas’ though held in rural areas received good response despite severe cold weather. Participating Hindus gave positive feedback that for the first time, they learnt such valuable information on present condition of the country; need for Hindu Rashtra and importance of ‘vyashti-samashti’ sadhana.
Hundred local residents attended the first ‘sabha’ held at Kharap (Bu). Preparations of the ‘sabha’ were made by youth attending two ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes conducted at that place. Shri. Dheeraj Raut of HJS addressed the ‘sabha’. In the review meeting held after the ‘sabha’, there was demand for conducting two self-defence classes.
The second ‘sabha’ was held on the ground of ‘Gandhi Vidyalaya’ at Gandhigram and it was attended by 60 local devout residents till end despite cold weather. Local youth made preparations for the ‘sabha’ and looked after advertising. Devout Hindu residents from Ridhora village made demand for conducting fortnightly ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes. The ‘sabha’ was addressed by Shri. Dheeraj Raut.
The ‘sabha’ held at Morgaon (Bhakare) had participation by boys from ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes held at Gaigaon as they managed all preparations and advertising of the ‘sabha’. Shri. Shyam Sangunvedhe spoke on the topic of ‘Sadhana’ and Shri. Dheeraj Raut of HJS spoke on ‘Rashtra-jagruti’. 125 devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’.
One ‘sabha’ was held at local Shri Hanuman Mandir at Gudaghi. Participation of women was more as compared to men. Shri. Shyam Sangunvedhe of HJS and Kum. Revati Kanshukle addressed the ‘sabha’ that was attended by 60 devout Hindus. Participants made demand for conducting of ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes once in fortnight.