Kopargaon : Demonstrations were staged near Shivaji Chowk, Kopargaon, under auspices of ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ for the demand that Union Government should immediately pass an Act for construction of Ram Mandir at ‘Ram Janmabhoomi’ which is a seat of worship of millions of Hindus. Representation with these demands was later submitted to ‘Nayab’ Tehasildar Shivaji Susare. Shri. Mayur Vidhate of Bajarang Dal and Shri. Shivaji Ugale of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti had joined the demonstrations.
Rashtriya Hindu Andolan held at Kopargaon (Dist. Nagar)
Tags : Hindu IssuesHindu Janajagruti SamitiHindu OrganisationsProtest by HindusRam JanmabhoomiRashtriya Hindu Andolan