Raigad : Representations were submitted to police and offices of local government administrations in Raigad district, demanding prevention of abuse of National Flags happening on the occasion of Republic Day and taking action against sellers of plastic flags banned by colleges and Government. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has undertaken drive for maintaining honour of national flags in the background of Republic Day. Representations were submitted to Police Inspector (PI) A. B. Vishwakar at Panvel city police station, to Panvel’s tehasildar Deepak Akade; at Changukana Thakur College in Khanda Colony and at College of ‘Sudhagad Education Society’ at Kalamboli. Principal Shri. Chandrasen Maurya of ‘K.E.L’ Society’s Commerce College said, “This campaign is very good. We shall tell our students to collect flags strewn on floors. We would like you to come and hold lecture for our students on the occasion of Republic Day.”