Pune’s name was changed to ‘Muhiabad’ after cruel Aurangzeb conquered it and all ‘Pethas (markets)’ of Pune were also named after Muslims; however, Peshwas, who served the Maratha Empire, changed the name back to Pune after winning it over; cancelling its Muslim name. Names of various ‘Pethas’ were also changed to our Indian names like ‘Shukrawar Peth’, ‘Shaniwar Peth’ etc.
Today’s rulers, with pride, talk about bravery shown by the Peshwas; about their winning region till Attuck; then why don’t they keep their ideal and change the names of places in Maharashtra like ‘Daulatabad’ to ‘Devagiri; Islampur to ‘Ishwarpur’ and Usmanabad to ‘Dharashiv’ ? Why are there still cities with foreign names in this country such as Faridabad, Hyderabad etc? Why don’t the rulers learn from history and awaken ‘Hindutva’ amongst Hindus? In Hindu Rashtra (Divine Kingdom) to be established in forthcoming period, all names will be our own Indian names.’
-‘Pujya’ Shri. Sandip Alashi (2.1.2019)