Chandrapur : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) undertook a drive in Wardha, Chandrapur and Gadchiroli districts for preventing abuse of national flags, taking place on the occasion of Republic Day. Representations were submitted under this drive at 31 schools-colleges and lectures were held at 11 schools on maintaining honour of national flags and efforts to be made for preventing abuse of national flags. More than 2000 students were made aware of the subject through this drive. HJS also held flex board-exhibition on life history of revolutionaries which was visited by 1000 students.
Representations were submitted to sub-divisional District Collector Uttam Dighe of Wardha district and Superintendent of Police (SP) Dr. Basavraj Teli; SP Ramakrushna Bhakade at Sindi (Wardha), Tehasildar Sachin Yadav at Hinganghat; additional District Collector Sachin Kalantre at Chandrapur, Tehasildar Dr. Ravindra Holi at Rajura.
A Cell was set up by HJS on 26th January at Arvi Naka where announcements were made on loudspeakers, explaining importance of the Day and of flags to people.
Shri. Nitin Madavi, teacher at ‘Swa. Sau. Atram Higher Primary School’, Chandrapur – The exhibition on revolutionaries will definitely create respect in children towards revolutionaries who helped in getting freedom.
1. People were coming to the Cell and asking for information.
2. Many people avoided buying plastic flags after explaining to them about its abuse.