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HJS demands in-depth investigations into brutal murders of devout Hindu activists

‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ staged at Wardha

Activists handing over representation to Dy. District Collector Shri. Sanjay Dayane

Wardha : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) staged demonstrations under aegis of ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ for various demands such as –

1. Central Investigating Agency should conduct in-depth investigations into conspiracy of attacks and brutal murders of pro-Hindu leaders in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh

2. Ban should be immediately imposed on madarasas which are the roots of terrorism within the country and ‘Popular Front of India’ for its terrorist activities.

The demonstrations were staged on 26th February in front of Vikas Bhavan, Wardha. Representation of demands was later submitted to Dy. District Collector Shri. Sanjay Dayane, for forwarding it to Union Government. Large number of HJS activists participated in demonstrations.

It has been stated in the representation that in January, Mumbai’s anti-terrorist squad took 9 persons into custody from Mumbai and Aurangabad on the suspicion of planning sabotage in the background of Republic Day. Similar action was taken by police even in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan States. The main accused was nabbed from a madarasa while another is associated with ‘Popular Front of India’. Arresting suspects is a peripheral solution but it is necessary to find the root cause of creating such fanaticism and anti-national attitude and take remedial action against the same. President of Wakf Board Wasim Rizvi disclosed few days back that madarasas were giving training on terrorist activities and he even wrote a letter to the Prime Minister demanding ban on madarasas. After terrorist attack on Mumbai, the then representative of Pakistan in United Nations Organization viz. Abdulla Husain Harun had stated that export of terrorism in Pakistan was taking place through Janak Devaband madarasas in India.

It was stated further that incidents of murders of Hindus’ leaders are noticeable in States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka which has now reached even Madhya Pradesh (MP). 4 devout Hindu activists were killed in two days during last month in MP. Who are the offenders in these killings? Various investigating agencies know clearly still respective State Governments do not seem to take any action; therefore, fanatics responsible for these killings and their masterminds so also persons who are trying to suppress these cases should be found and action should be taken against them. It has become necessary for Central Investigating Agencies to conduct in-depth inquiry in these cases.

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