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‘Dharmacharan is necessary for competently facing all problems faced in life !’

Devout Hindus attending lecture

Karjat (Raigad) :‘Dharmashikshan’ is pivotal in life; but there is no system available to impart ‘Dharmashikhan’ to Hindus. As a result, Hindus do not abide by Dharma these days. ‘Dharmacharan’ is necessary for competently facing problems in life. Guidance on ‘Dharmashikshan’ is available in our holy scriptures, stated Shri. Narendra Surve, spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). A lecture was held in the hall of ‘Gram-devata’ Dhapaya Mandir at 5.00 p.m. on 28th February. 61 devout Hindus attended the same.


1. Shri. Mahendra Chandane, municipal councilor of Karjat provided the temple hall without charging anything.

2. Sanatan’s reader and devout Hindu Shri. Amol Hazare from Bhisegaon made provision of water for 4 days.


Shri. Abhinav Kodagire attended the lecture till the end though his wife was to undergo surgery within a few hours after the lecture. He said that he would also help in holding an exhibition of boards on life-history of revolutionaries, in schools.


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