Tamil Nadu : 82nd Annual Festival for 10 days is being celebrated in a grand manner at Bhagavathi Amman Temple at Mandai Kadu village near Nagerkoil in Tamil Nadu.
On the Occasion of 82nd Annual Festival H. H. Uma Ravichandran and Shri. Prabakaran from Chennai, participated in this festival representing Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. The festival started on 3rd March 2019. Many Hindu and spiritual organizations participated and spoke about Hindu Dharma and its significance.
H. H. Uma Ravichandran delivered lecture about Hindu Rashtra and the need for establishing Hindu Rashtra. Around 50 people attended the lecture.
Central Minister and BJP MP Pon Radhakrishnan also participated and guided on the 2nd day celebration. HJS activists presented a Tamil book “What is the need for a Hindu Nation ?” to the respected minister during the function.
Shri. Radhakrishnan from Shiv Sena also participated and guided on the contribution of youth towards Hindu Dharma.