Kagal (Dist. Kolhapur) : Many women exhibited ‘Kshatra-tej’ following ‘Dharmacharan’ in India’s history such as Rajmata Jijau, Rani Lakshmibai etc. Similarly, it is possible for women to remain happy even in this life full of tensions if they regularly undertake spiritual practice, was the guidance given by Sou. Anjali Kotagi of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). The guidance was attended by 40 devout Hindus. It was organized by Sou. Sushama Patil, a member of ‘Gruh-manch’.
Highlights : Some of the participating women asked for information on Sanatan’s books and ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes since they felt that by learning about the same, all their relatives, parents as well as parents-in-law would be uplifted.