Amravati : Recently, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ workshop wherein 14 devout Hindus participated. The program was started with lighting of lamp by ‘Pujya’ Ashok Patrikar, ‘Prasar-sevak’ of Sanatan Sanstha for Vidarbh and Chhattisgad. Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar, Vidarbh-coordinator of HJS explained the purpose of organizing such workshop.
‘Pujya’ Ashok Patrikar gave guidance on the subject of ‘Importance of removal of personality defects and ego’ while Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, State –coordinator of HJS for Maharashtra and Chhattisgad spoke on the subject of ‘Need for Hindu Rashtra and its Basic Concepts’. Shri. Nilesh Tavlare of ‘Information Committee’ concluded with giving information on necessary drives, campaigns required to be undertaken for establishing Hindu Rashtra and their local planning.
Feedback by participants given during concluding session
1. Today, I got to learn that following process of removal of personality defects can help in getting happiness in life. I shall try to sincerely implement it now. – Shri. Narendra Khadase
2. Learnt importance of removal of personality defects for establishing Hindu Rashtra. Henceforth, I will regularly plan to associate myself with HJS for ‘Dharmakarya’. – Shri. Yogesh Joshi
Spiritual experience as told by a devout participant
I had informed Shri. Nilesh Tavlare about my inability to attend the workshop due to some important work in office; but I strongly wanted to attend it. The worker, whom I was to take with me for that work, suddenly fell sick and could not come; so I had to cancel it at the last moment; therefore, I could come for the workshop, though late. – Shri. Rhushikesh Dixit, Amravati