Navi Mumbai : Presently people have become over- ambitious, greedy and have developed wrong values. Adverse effect of globalization, Information Technology and freedom of expression is taking place even on teachers and they are stressed while teaching. Spiritual practice (sadhana) is most essential for removal of such types of stress, stated Dr. Uday Dhuri of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during Workshop held for teachers from Navi Mumbai on the topic of ‘Sadhana for stress-free life’, on 7th May .
Dr. Dhuri also said that parents were losing faith in teachers, due to Government policies and additional work thrust upon them day by day; in addition to stress at home. 50 years ago, people used to have respect and fear towards teacher. They could admonish children. Parents used to believe in whatever was told by teachers; but it has changed as per times. Spiritual practice will therefore, help in keeping updated with times, bringing positive changes in self, reducing personality defects.
Participants learnt about importance of chanting ‘Kul-devata’s name and decided to start chanting.