It is necessary to study own Hindu culture, abide by Dharma and undertake spiritual practice ! – Sou. Ujjwala Gawade
Belgaum : Hindu Sanskruti will be preserved if every act is done by knowing the reason and science for doing such act. Women are dressing in improper manner these days; they don’t apply ‘kumkum’; so also, other improper acts are done by women in the name of modernity. Even education system, family system etc are getting corrupted. Therefore, for prevention of such things, every Hindu should study own culture, abide by Dharma and undertake spiritual practice, stated Sou. Ujjwala Gawade of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during a program held on 9th May in the background of Mahalakshmi Yatra festival at Halshirgur (Taluka Raibag).
Matoshree ‘Pujya’ Akkamahadevi of ‘Dnyanayoga’ ashram, ‘Pujya’ Matoshri Kakyayani of ‘Siddharudh’ Mutt and Kum. Manjula Munovali from organization for women empowerment were present on the occasion. The program was started with the ritual of ‘Oti bharane’ of Devi. More than 500 women were present on the occasion.