Mumbai : Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Maharashtra and Chhattisgad called on office bearers of various pro-Hindu organizations and devout Hindus for the purpose of discussing matter related to Hindu unification. He received positive response from devout Hindu activists.
1. Few devout Hindus brought to notice serious problem of conversion faced in Palghar, Vasai and demanded for starting of ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes conducted by HJS. Trustees of Sadguru Gajanan Maharaj Mandir were also agreeable to start ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes and subscribed to weekly ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ published in Marathi for devotees.
2. Shri. Mahesh Padval, Dy. Shakha-Chief of Shiv Sena extended permission for display of boards with matter related to protection of nation and Dharma; besides granting permission for holding book exhibition.
3. Meeting held at Jogeshwari was attended by devout Hindus viz. Shri. Vinod Tripathi, Sou. Vijaya, Shri. Santosh Patade, Shri. Prabhat Singh and Shri. Suraj Thakur. Discussions were held on ‘Gurukul’ education system for children and activities undertaken by HJS in this context were explained to them. Shri. Sunil Ghanavat spoke about efforts required to be made for establishing Hindu Rashtra. Devout Hindus viz. Shri. Santosh Patade, Shri. Prabhat Singh and Shri. Suraj Thakur decided to meet once in every week and take active part in ‘Dharma-seva’.
4. Shri. Latendra Sawant, a devout Hindu from Santacruz showed interest in conducting work-shop on Right to Information Act.