Issue of criticizing Hindu Deities and Brahmins on the occasion of ‘Shahu Jayanti’ celebrations in school
All Hindus should learn from HJS activists who are always alert towards protection of Dharma and promptly explain the science !
Malakapur (Dist. Kolhapur) : On 26th June, on the occasion of ‘Shahu Jayanti’, a lecture was organized in a secondary school at Shahuwadi. Hindus’ Deities and Brahmins were criticized through that lecture. On learning about such criticism, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)’s activists viz. Dr. Sanjay Gandhi, Shri. Vikrant Morbale, Shri. Prasad Kulkarni and Shri. Sudhakar Mirajkar went to the school and explained the matter to Principal and supervisor of the school who then rendered apology to HJS activists and promised to refrain from holding such programs in school in future.
1. Deities and Brahmins were criticized during the program; therefore, other students made jibes at students from Brahmin community which hurt some of the students.
2. Shri. Prasad Kulkarni of HJS learnt about this incident and he called up the School Superintendent and registered protest against the incident. The Superintendent replied that ‘the Constitution has given right of freedom of expression to everyone; therefore, the students must have said such things’.
Shri. Prasad Kulkarni then firmly told the Superintendent that he too had studied in the same school and freedom of expression didn’t mean permission to deliberately criticize any community and criticizing Deities was also wrong.
3. Delegation of HJS met the Principal of the school on 27th June and brought to his notice the ill effects of the said incident. Shri. Prasad Kulkarni told the Principal, “Education Institutes are store-houses of knowledge. Creating such kind of ill will in schools through the type of statements made by some students could create obstacles in building up ideal and virtuous students.” The Principal therefore, realized the mistake and promised that such incidents would not recur in the school, in future.