Recently Shivsena Tamil Nadu had organized a local body meeting for their members from different districts. The meeting was organised under the leadership of Shri. Radhakrishnan and chaired by Shri. Thanga Muthukrishnan, District secretary. Shri. Balaji Raman , Youth-wing secretary compered the program. New members were elected for the District Secretary posts of various districts.
At the end of their meeting, an exclusive meeting for their Anuseelan magazine was organized and for this event HJS activists were invited. For this Pujya (Sou.) Uma Ravichandran, Shri. Jaikumar and Sow. Suganthi Jaikumar attended the program. Even leaders from other organizations such as Shri. Narayanan from Hindu Makkal Munnani, and Shri. R. D. Phrabhu of Bharth Hindu Munnani participated.
Around 100 shivsainiks were present. First time many ladies were present in the meeting and many important responsibilities were also given to them. Shri. Balaji Raman told in near future they have planned a meeting in a temple for the ladies-wing and requested guidance from HJS.