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Sanatan Sanstha, HJS take active part in helping flood-stricken people at Kolhapur

Kolhapur : Various institutions and organizations are doing their best to help Kolhapur which has been hit by deluge. Seekers of Sanatan Sanstha, activists of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and devout Hindu activists have taken part in large number in assisting people. Seekers, who are practising spirituality under grace of ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr.  Jayant Athavale and devout Hindus have in a way set an example in front of people through their work.

Sanatan’s seekers Mr. and Mrs. Kakade extend help     

Two devout Hindu women asked for help from Sanatan’s seeker Sou. Surekha Kakade since their house was leaking due to rain. Sou. Surekha Kakade and her husband brought those women to their house and served them dinner. Later, they took them to the camp set up for flood-stricken people. Both of the women felt grateful for the help as they said that nobody had bothered to ask them even for tea.

Sanatan’s lady-seekers help flood-hit women

Sou. Rupa Patil, Sou. Dhurake and Sou. Chougule, Sanatan seekers collected blankets, sweaters and other essential things required by women and handed them over to the Centre set up for assistance of flood-hit people.

Systematic planning by all devout Hindus for helping more than 250 flood-affected people at Uchgaon and other places

Devout Hindu activists, activists of HJS and others helping flood-hit people at Uchgaon

Provision for stay, tea, snacks and food was made for more than 250 flood-hit people in various schools by Uchgaon disaster Management committee. Uchgaon Grampanchayat, ‘Bunty-premi’ group, Shiv Sena, Shri Shivapratishthan Hindustan, organizations belonging to different communities and Shri. Shivananda Swami of HJS participated in this mission. Shri. Madhukar Chavan, former Sarpanch, Shri. Vinayak Haval and Shri. Satish Kambale of School Management Committee, Shri. Raju Yadav- Shiv Sena’s Karveer taluka Chief, Shri. Anil Shinde, former Dy. Sarpanch, Shri. Bhau Chougule- Yuva Sena taluka-chief, Shri. Vikram Chougule, Shri. Kirti Masure, Shri. Mahesh Jadhav, Shri. Sanjay Chougule, Shri. Sharad Mali, Shri. Virag Kari, Shri. Chandrakant Valakunje etc had joined the mission. Planning at this place in extending help was better than that at other places; therefore, the Talathi praised all activists. This help will be continued till 12th August.

Flood-stricken people appreciate valuable help extended by devout Hindus  

On 9th August, Shri. Kiran Duse, District-Coordinator of HJS for Kolhapur, Shri. Santosh Sanagar, Shri. Sagar Hankare, Shri. Sukumar Bhojkar, Shri. Kiran Kulkarni- Kagal city-Chief of Shiv Sena along with his son Shambhu provided meals to flood-affected people. They distributed 30 food packets in area near Pattankodoli and 40 packets to people at Ingali (Taluka Hatkanangale). Aggrieved people said that no aid had reached that place as surrounding places were receiving aid; so the help extended by devout Hindu activists was valuable for them.

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