Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): A public litigation demanding a ban on the film ‘Ready’ starring Salman Khan was admitted in the High Court at Allahabad. In the litigation President of ‘Hindu Personal Law Board’ Shri Ashok Pande and Secretary Shri Vinod Shankar Mishra have demanded a ban on the film citing that the song titled ‘Character Dheela’ from the film hurts the sentiments of Hindus. Mr Pande has said, “The reference to Raas-Leela in the song ‘Character Dhilla’ is objectionable and insults Sanatan Dharma.” (Congratulations to Shri Ashok Pande and Shri Vinod Shankar Mishra for lawfully protesting against the film which insults Sanatan Dharma ! – Editor SP)
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
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