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Lecture by HJS at de-addiction cente in Jalgaon

Abiding by Dharma will keep addictions at bay and also lead to a blissful life ! – Sou. Kshipra Juvekar

Sou. Kshipra Juvekar addressing the attendees

Jalgon (Maharashtra) : Hindu Dharma guides us on following an ideal schedule that keeps addictions at bay. Moving away from Dharma and blindly following western culture has resulted in rising rates of addiction which has detroyed lives of lakhs of youth. To keep away from addictions, we can chant  the name of our kuldevta (family Deity). Majority of the addictions are due to ancestral distress. For this, one needs to regularly chant Shri Gurudev Datta were some of the points shared by Sou. Kshipra Juvekar with the attendees. She also shared information on the importance of conducting Shraddha during Pitrupaksh. Shri. Brahma Anklekar (of HJS), Sou. Anita Pol (Sanatan Sanstha) and Shri. Dilip Pol were also present.


1. Shri. Nitin Vispute, the coordinator of Chetana Deaddiction Centre had recently visited Sanatan’s Ashram in Ramnathi, Goa. Impressed with the work going on in the Ashram, he decided to arrange guidance on deaddiction. He also bought ‘Shri Gurudev Datta’ chanting strips for every inmate.

2. Some inmates got their doubts clarified.

3. The attendees also said that they will gather every day to chant together.

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