Workshop for women held at Wing (Tal. Khandala, Dist. Satara)
Wing : On 13th October, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held a workshop at Wing (Tal. Khandala, Dist. Satara) for women, for awakening of valour. HJS activists presented demo on self-defence techniques and trained participating women in preliminary actions in self-defence.
Kum. Kranti Petkar of HJS gave guidance on the topic of ‘Need for awakening valour’ wherein she said that every woman should get trained in self-defence so that she would be able to face the present unsafe atmosphere and should prepare herself for protection of nation and Dharma by following ‘Dharmacharan’.
18 young women attended the work-shop from Wing and other neighboring villages.
Highlight: Women attending ‘Dharmashikshan’ classes conducted by HJS at Wing spontaneously took part in organizing this work-shop.