Bengaluru : ‘Vijayavani Newspaper’, ‘Digvijay’ news channel and ‘Kanva Star Resort’ jointly presented awards to women for their good work in various fields. The award function was held at Kanva Resort on 26th October 2019 wherein Sou. Bhavya Gowda of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) was also felicitated with an award and Certificate for her work in social field. The program was attended by various dignitaries such as Sou. Hemalatha Gopalayya, former Mayor of Bengaluru, Shri. K. B. Arasappa, Vice President of Kassia, Hemavati, President of women’s wing of ‘Karunada Sena’, Andre D’souza, President of ‘Emerge’ organization and others. Ten women from different fields were felicitated in this program, besides Sou. Gowda.
Sou. Bhavya Gowda said while addressing the participants, “Women are given highest status in Sanatan Dharma. Valiant women could rule kingdoms as queens for their abiding by Dharma under Indian history. They were even highly learned. Let us also abide by our Dharma and empower India.”