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Goa : HJS demands to replace the Portuguese names to roads by the names of the Revolutionaries

Jyeshtha Krushna Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

From Our Correspondent

Demand from HJS to Government on account of Golden Jubilee Year

Panaji (Goa): A memorandum is handed over to the Chief Minister, Mr. Digambar Kamat on behalf of  Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) demanding replacement of the old Portuguese names of the roads and cities in Goa by those of Revolutionaries.

It is also mentioned in the memorandum that Goa is celebrating the Golden Jubilee Year. We are enjoying the freedom on account of the sacrifice on the part of the revolutionaries. Although we are celebrating the Golden Jubilee Year, it is unfortunate to witness the foot prints of the Portuguese here still. Many roads in Goa still have Portuguese names. ‘Murgao’ is known as ‘Vasco de Gama’ who was a pirate looting ships at sea. Retaining the Portuguese names like this amounts to ingratitude towards the revolutionaries who had fought the Portuguese untiringly with all their might. The sacrifice of the Revolutionaries is being forgotten conveniently which also shows ungratefulness. There is hardly any mention of Revolutionaries in the prescribed text books for students. On the contrary it is the need of the hour that every patriot has to try to inform the students about the sacrifice of the Revolutionaries for the State of Goa and to make all Bharatiyas to remember them forever.

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