Police conduct inquiry into Gurupournima functions of HJS & Sanatan at various places

Ashadh Krushna Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Gurupournima is the day on which a disciple expresses his gratitude unto his Guru. Various Sects from India and abroad and seekers organize religious and spiritual programs to celebrate this day. Sanatan sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and other spiritual organizations jointly held Gurupournima functions at 237 places. Programs on spirituality and for creating awareness among people towards the present dangerous condition of Nation and Dharma were organised in these functions; but police held inquiries about the programs held by Sanatan Sanstha and HJS as if they are anti-social organizations. The bitter experiences seekers had during organizing these programs are given below.

Instead of going after terrorists, police are bent upon harassing patriots and devout Hindus !

1. Police give irrational instructions to devout Hindus seeking permission to make announcements !

Few members of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had gone to a police station in one district seeking permission to make announcements of Gurupournima function. One police constable after listening to the explanation of HJS activists said sternly, “Senior police officers know your activities. Do not say any provoking thing before him while giving details.” The activists met the senior police officer who asked them to meet the same constable. The constable asked the activists very angrily about who was going to be the speakers and what were they going to speak. He also asked them to submit a VCD of all the announcements to be made during the program and that the activists who had signed the representation should go to the police station along with their 3-4 main activists. (Would the constable dare to make such irrational demand to the followers of other religions? Are the Hindus violent that they were asked to follow such rules? – Editor SP)

After two days, one of the activists signing the representation went to the police station. The conditions stipulated by the constable were – Announcement should not be made in running vehicle; no loudspeaker should be fitted on top of the vehicle; there should be ‘speaker box’; the name of the person making announcements and driving the vehicle should be submitted; there should be only two persons in the vehicle; the original copy of permission and its zerox copy should be kept in the vehicle; the time of making announcements should be reduced by 1 hour and police would be present while announcements were made. (Is it not the Mughal regime of the police? – Editor SP)

2. Police delay granting permission to make announcements of Gurupournima program citing instance of previous year and mentally harass the activists by asking them to furnish a statement !

In the same district, permission to make announcement of the program was sought from the police on 7th July but till 13th July, permission was not granted. Police told the activist who had gone to obtain such permission, “Sentiments of many people have been hurt due to the rally taken out by you on the occasion of ‘Gudhi Padva’. If you talk anything about followers of other religions, ban will be imposed.” (Why the police did not say anything at that time about the rally hurting sentiments of others; or is it an excuse given by the police for not granting permission? – Editor SP) Later, the police officer instructed his junior to issue notice under clause 149 and take statement of the activist that no provocative matter would be talked about. (Have the police stipulated such conditions any time on Abu Azmi who is always making provoking statements? – Editor SP) It was also told to submit a copy of all papers to the Traffic Department. The activist had to spend 2-1/2 hours at the police station to get the necessary paper work done.

Police conduct inquiry of Gurupournima programs held by Sanatan and HJS at each place in two districts

Local police made inquiry of two programs held jointly by Sanatan Sanstha and HJS at each place in two districts by visiting the venue of the programs. They asked many questions like ‘What is the nature of programs organized in Gurupournima function? What was the topic on which the speakers were going to speak? Are they going to talk about the bomb blasts etc.? Which party are you supporting clock, hand or bow and arrow?”

In another district, police paid visit to the venue of the function in the morning as also in the evening and asked for the list of items of the program, number of persons attending the program etc. and they showed as if they were asking such details for the security of the participants only. The police called up a seeker in another district to ask him about the speakers of the program.

Police made inquiry; but showed willingness to provide security on getting details !

On the following day, similar inquiry was made by the police from one police station. The HJS activists explained to the police inspector that Hindu women were getting drawn to youth from other religions since moral values were not inculcated in them and they did not follow ‘Dharmacharan’ and the short play was to be staged to bring forth the truth before people. On hearing this, the concerned police inspector assured to provide security, if need arose, at the venue.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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