Police oppose creating awareness towards ‘love jihad’ through Gurupournima programs

Ashadh Krushna Trutiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Sanatan Sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and other spiritual organizations jointly held Gurupournima functions at 237 places. A short play was staged in these programs and books displayed to create awareness among the members of audience towards the danger of ‘Love Jihad’ faced by them. Police opposed creating of such awareness fearing of hurting sentiments of Muslims. The bitter experiences of the organizers of the programs are given below which show apathy of police towards welfare of Hindus.

Hindu young women are falling prey to the ploy of ‘Love Jihad’ in large numbers; but anti-Hindu police take action against the book on ‘Love Jihad’ for waking up Hindus. This shows the need of establishing Hindu Nation.

Police oppose staging short play on ‘Love Jihad’ in a town in one district

An officer of special crime branch called up an activist of HJS on 13th July at 10.30 a.m. The officer said, “You and your chief have been called by our boss at 4.30 p.m. in the office of Police Commissioner to discuss the issue of short play and speakers.” After an hour, another officer met this activist and made inquiry whether there was any incident in the short play titled ‘Love Jihad’ hurting religious sentiments. The activist went to the Police Commissioner’s office at 4.30 p.m. An officer took down his personal details and asked him, “What is your intention of staging the play on ‘Love Jihad’? Have you taken permission for the same? Why you want to keep such controversial programs on the day of Gurupournima? We have no objection to the program but only to this play. Why did you select Friday for this program? You should select another day. (Gurupournima fell on a Friday, so what could be done? If ‘Id’ falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, are the police going to advise Muslims against celebrating it on that day ? – Editor SP) You are not a local person. If something happens here, what is to be done? I also have respect for Guru. I am also a Hindu. Bring your local chief.”

After some time, the activist handling local responsibilities reached the police station. The officer tried to persuade even him for cancelling show of the play. One more activist reached the office. All of them tried to explain the purpose behind showing such play in detail; but the police officer was in no condition to listen. All of them were then taken to the chief of special branch. The chief said, “When clouds near a mountain, it starts raining due to the breeze. Likewise, if you come in the clutches of law, a case will be filed.” Later, the police asked, “Do you have any proof of such incidents? Where did they take place?” (Such ignorant police would not be found in any country who have no knowledge of happenings in their country. Kerala High Court has also accepted that there is such thing as ‘Love Jihad’ ! – Editor SP) When the activists told about the book on the subject, police started making fun of them and asked them whether a book could be taken as a proof. Finally, the police told the activists that they would not be allowed to stage the short play; therefore, the activists discussed the matter among themselves and told the police about cancellation of the play. A deputy police inspector, along with 4-5 policemen, was deployed at all 3 venues of Gurupournima functions to see that the play was not staged. They were making inquiry with the activists and waited till the end of the program. (Muslims have permission of the Government and the police to hatch conspiracy of ‘Love Jihad’; but Hindus have no permission to talk on the subject. – Editor SP)

In one State, police raise objection to sell the book on ‘Love Jihad’ during Gurupournima program

HJS had organized a function to celebrate Gurupournima in one State. 6 policemen went there. One of them took 3 copies of the book on ‘Love Jihad’ published by HJS. They took the copies to police station. After some time, two police inspectors reached the venue when following conversation took place.

Police Inspector: Why did you not tell us about the book on ‘Love Jihad’? At how many places have you kept copies of this book?

Seeker: The book is available at venue of every Gurupournima function.

Police Inspector: Are there such programs at other places in the city?

Seeker: At two places.

Police Inspector immediately called local police officer and informed him about the matter.)

Police Inspector: It becomes a problem if people get angry. (People means Muslims would get angry and police are afraid of the same, therefore, they are taking action against the book. The same police do nothing when sentiments of Hindus are hurt; on the contrary threaten the complainant. Devout Hindus have experienced it a number of times while lodging complaint against anti-Hindu painter M F Husain. When Muslims get angry, they become violent; therefore, police are afraid of them and Hindus take lawful action when angry; therefore, they have to face injustice, is it so? – Editor SP) How many books were sold; who are the people who purchased them?

Seeker: We do not have names of the buyers.

Police Inspector: In future, inform us about such things.

(The same police officer had asked 3 days before Gurupournima whether permission for staging the play was taken after reading about it on a display board. )

In a district, police prohibit sale of book on ‘Love Jihad’ and threaten seekers with arrest

In the same district, in another town, 1 police officer and 2 policemen went to the venue of the program. The police officer asked that information about only spiritual program was given and how the book on ‘Love Jihad’ was being inaugurated. He ordered to keep all books on the topic with the police station. After some time, he called up a seeker and told him, “Keep all books separately with you. Do not sell. Get back the sold copies.” The seeker told him that he did not have information about who purchased the books. Then he noted down the names of seekers and threatened that if anything happens, they would be arrested.

Police demand to send copy of book titled ‘Love Jihad’ to the police station

In the same State, Gurupournima function was going on in one place in a district. A police officer called up a seeker from the local police station. He said, “Send a copy of the book ‘Love Jihad’ to the police station.” The seeker politely told him that everyone was busy with Gurupournima function and requested the police officer to send his staff member to the venue to collect the book.                           

(Truth about ‘Love Jihad’ has been accepted by not only Kerala High Court but also that Government. The book has been published with the purpose of forewarning Hindu women; why are police raising objection to it? Will such anti-Hindu police in secular (unrighteous) government, that is keen on appeasing Muslims, do justice to Hindus? – Editor SP)

Owner of auditorium pressurized by police to cancel Guru-Pournima function

Owner, however, expresses faith in Hindus !

[Sanatan Sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and other spiritual organizations jointly held Guru-Pournima functions in a city. Citing the reason of bomb blasts in Mumbai, police went to the owner of the hall where Guru-Pournima function was to be held and tried to pressurize him for cancellation of the program. The conversation that took place between the police and the owner is given below.

Police: Sanatan and HJS activists had asked for permission from us for taking out a rally; but we refused. Can you also not cancel their program to be held tomorrow?

Owner: This program is being held for Guru-Pournima. I cannot cancel it.

(Thanks to the owner for showing confidence in Sanatan and HJS ! – Editor SP)

Police: What is the timing of the function for which the hall has been rented?

Owner: From 11.0 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.

Police: The program should end at the stipulated time. (How can police dictate terms to owner of a private hall? – Editor SP) We are telling this in the background of recent bomb blasts in Mumbai. You will be responsible if something happens. (All programs held by Sanatan and HJS have been carried out very peacefully. Even then police are giving such warning owing to their allergy to Hindus. As a matter of fact, police should be held responsible for whatever happens ! – Editor SP)

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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