Chennai : On 26th January 2020, Shiv Sena held a meeting of its local Shiv Sainiks at Murdis Hotel in Purasavakkam. Members of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) were invited in this meeting for giving lecture on the topic of removal of personality defects, for Shiv Sainiks. Sou. Sugandhi Jaikumar and Shri. Balaji Kola, activists of HJS gave guidance on the subject. They explained how to note down mistakes committed by us in daily life; finding the personality defect responsible for such mistake; taking auto-suggestions for removal of that defect etc. Participating Shiv Sainiks attentively listened to the lecture. Sanatan’s Saint ‘Pujya’ (Sou.) Uma Ravichandran presented Sanatan’s books published in Tamil to Shri. G. Radhakrushnaji and Shri. Muthukrushnanji.