Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale, National Guide of HJS recently visited Nepal and met local devout Hindu activists at 20 places in Nepal. 3 meetings were also organized during this period while he gave guidance at 2 places. Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale was interviewed by 3 channels and he was asked questions on matters related to nation, Dharma, spiritual practice and HJS activities. Let us see some of the happenings during his tour.
Today’s youth lack mental strength due to lack of knowledge and they also lack inner strength in absence of spiritual practice ! – Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale
Chitavan (Nepal) : Few local devout Hindu activists met Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale. A Buddhist Lama said that originally Buddhists and Hindus were together. He said that Buddhists were, however, proved as different from Hindus when he explained about ‘Hinyan’, ‘Mahayan’ and ‘Vajrayan’. He also gave few examples of attempts made to create dispute among them under international conspiracy. He also expressed his concern over Buddhists spreading roots in Nepal and who are opposing Hindu Dharma.
‘Sattva’-pre-dominant thoughts will be generated in a person when he becomes ‘Sattva’-pre-dominant on undertaking spiritual practice as advised by ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Athavale !- Dr. Madhav Bhattarai, President, ‘Rashtriya Dharmasabha Nepal’
Kathmandu (Nepal) : On 10th February, Sadguru Dr. Pingale met Dr. Madhav Bhattarai, the President of ‘Rashtriya Dharmasabha Nepal’ and Dr. Kanta Bhattarai, former Minister of Nepal. Dr. Bhattarai said, while narrating his experiences on ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Athavale advising to undertake ‘sadhana’, “Twenty years ago, Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati of Puri Peetha had advised me to work but also undertake ‘sadhana’ because without ‘sadhana’, the organization wouldn’t be successful.” As per homeopathy, a disease is created first in mind and then in body. There is anarchy in a country when citizens of that country are inclined towards materialism and have unwanted thoughts. ‘Paratpar Guru’, Dr. Athavale has advised to practise spirituality and be virtuous since virtuous thoughts would be created in people’s mind and will have good effect.” Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale also extended invitation to Dr. Bhattarai for attending 9th all-India Hindu Convention.
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale meets Prof. Niranjan Oza, President of ‘Forum of Nepalese Media’
Kathmandu (Nepal) : Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale met Prof. Niranjan Oza, President of ‘Forum of Nepalese Media (Nepali Prasar-madhyam Manch)’ when Prof. Oza expressed concern over strong influence of western culture on young generation of Nepal. Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said, giving example of the terror presently spread through ‘Corona’ virus, “It has been given in the holy book written by Tembe-swami that such kind of problems have spiritual cause; but these evil energies have no effect when there is protection shield of Guru.” Prof. Oza had arranged for Sadguru Dr. Pingale’s guidance on the topic of ‘Present Education System’ for teachers of ‘Shri Shanti Vidya Madhyamik School’.
Guidance for teachers of ‘Shri Shanti Vidya Madhyamik School (SSVMS)’
Teachers carry out the process of creating individual, society and nation ! – Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said in his guidance to teachers of SSVMS, “A teacher doesn’t only educate children but he also carries out the process of creating individuals, society and nation. What is the purpose of education should be clear. The primary purpose of education should be to awaken ‘human’ in a person and to take him to divinity. A person will not think about others’ interests till he doesn’t become a ‘human’ first and it will lead to clashes. There is spiritual cause behind everything. Spiritual practice and worship purifies mind and creates capacity to analyze everything.”
Teachers asked various questions like ‘What is the difference between Spirituality and Dharma?’, ‘Does a person become religious only after going to temple?’ etc and got their doubts clarified. Prof. Niranjan Ojha first introduced Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale and narrated his experiences of going to Sanatan Ashram in Goa.
Invitation to 9th all-India Hindu Rashtra Convention extended to Dr. Ramchandra Adhikari, the President of ‘Vishwa Hindu Mahasangh, Nepal (VHMN)’ and its senior Vice President Bharatraj Paudel
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale had meeting with Dr. Ramchandra Adhikari, President of VHMN and former Minister so also with senior Vice President Bharatraj Paudel of VHMN and extended to them invitation for the forthcoming 9th ‘all-India Hindu Rashtra Convention’. Dr. Ramchandra Adhikari extended invitation to Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale on behalf of VHMN for attending international conference on ‘Sanatan Dharma-Sanskruti’. Bharatraj Paudel requested Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale to guide and help in proper organization of this conference. Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale told about the manner in which awareness was being created by HJS on duties towards nation and Dharma, through such Conventions all over India.
Guidance to members of pro-Hindu organization viz. ‘Vishwa Hindu Mahasangh (VHM) Nepal’
Pokhra (Nepal) : On 17th February, Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale held guidance for activists of VHM, Nepal and activists and office bearers of District Kaski. He said,
1. “Secularism has been adopted today by ignoring Dharma which can offer peace to not only human beings but also to animals. Only Dharma has the capacity through which everyone can achieve progress. Present education system helps only in getting jobs to satisfy own needs. It is taking children towards competition, jealousy, hatred, expectations and ego. Maximum cases of divorce are observed in educated class.
2. One has to create joy, peace and bliss in self before it is created in a country for which it is necessary to abide by Dharma and undertake spiritual practice.
3. He said regarding ‘Dharmacharan’ that turmeric, when mixed in lime water, becomes ‘kumkum’. Turmeric is found underground; therefore, it has more of ‘Earth’ Element. Human body is also made of Earth Element. By applying ‘kumkum’, protective shield gets created around that Earth Element present in us. Hindus need to protect own ‘Dharma-shaastra’, culture and religious traditions. Birthday is celebrated by writing name of that person on cake as per western culture. Writing name and then cutting it creates serious consequences as explained under ‘Tantra-vidya’.”
Shri. Shankar Kharal of VHM, Nepal introduced Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale to participants in the beginning of the program. Parvati Paudel, the District-President of Kaski welcomed Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale. Shri. Pruthvi Paudel Central President of ‘Brahman Samaj, Nepal’ also attended this guidance.
Basic Principle of Dharma needs to be understood ! – Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale
Kathamandu (Nepal) : Shri. Parashuram Kafale, a reporter of ‘Naya Patrika’ daily newspaper expressed his wish to meet Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale. Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said during this meeting, “We need to develop capacity to understand Sanatan Dharma. Giving example of a picture of Shiva published by Sanatan, he said, “Serpent used to be shown on the right shoulder of Shiva, was later shown on his left shoulder in the second picture published but serpent was shown on Shiva’s head in the picture published third time.” While explaining the science of changes made in the picture, he said, “Spiritual practice helps first in purifying ‘Surya-naadi (Right energy-channel in body)’; later as you progress, ‘Chandra-naadi (left energy-channel)’ gets purified and on awakening of ‘Kundalini’ from ‘Mooladhar Chakra’, it reaches ‘Sahasrar Chakra’ when inner mind also gets purified and one gets experiences as per that level. Saints know the whole ‘Chakra’ on becoming evolved, with knowledge of past, present and future.”
While explaining speciality of Sanatan Dharma, Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said, “As one year of human being is one day of departed souls because the pace is reduced in higher planes. Now, even science is saying the same thing that as one goes to higher planes, pace gets reduced. Principles followed by Sects may not work at every place. We need to know the basic principle of Dharma. There is need to propagate such pure science amongst people. There is someone under Sanatan Dharma who gives such vision and that someone is God. An idol doesn’t protect us but when we have faith in the Principle present in such idol, it protects us.”
Hindu youth hold inferiority complex towards Dharma due to lack of ‘Dharmacharan’ !- Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale
Kathmandu (Nepal) – Science is caught in exterior matters. Hindu youth lack knowledge of science on various customs and traditions followed as per our Dharma and how that is beneficial to the world; therefore, Hindu youth have a kind of inferiority complex towards own Dharma, stated Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale.
He addressed a meeting organized by Shri. Vishnu Bahadur Kshetri, along with Shri. Mohan Singh, the President of ‘Mushto Kul-devata Pratishthan’, Dr. Surendra Kesi, senior reporter, retired DSP Shri. Shyam Bahadur Khadka and other members of ‘Pratishthan’. Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said, “It has been proved through various experiments conducted with different equipment at Sanatan’s ashram in Goa, on positive effects of various customs and traditions followed under Dharma, on self and on society. If we want to protect Dharma, we have to first establish it in our mind. Dharma cannot be sustained without sacrifice. ‘I have to sacrifice for my country and my Dharma’ should be the thought invoked in mind. Elected representatives try to create rift between people and administration under the guise of good governance. This rift becomes the cause of struggle; therefore, we should be united.”
Meeting held with devout Hindu activists at Shri Koteshwar Mahadev Mandir
Shri. Krushnaprasad Khanal along with Shri. Benju Bhattarai, the President of Shri Koteshwar Mahadev Mandir and their associates had meeting with Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale on 11th February 2020.
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale said while answering to various queries asked by participants, “If Hindu word has been given by Muslims, how was Hindukush Mountain range created before establishment of Islam 1400 years ago? There is mention of word ‘Sindhu’ in ‘Naadi-sukta’ in the third ‘Mandal’ of ‘Rhugveda’. Hindu word has been coined from the word ‘Sindhu’. There is one form of God but different names given to Him as per His functions; similarly, Sanatan Dharma, Arya Dharma, Vedic Dharma are different names of Hindu Dharma. Shri. Gururaj Prabhu of HJS was also present on the occasion.
Hindu Dharma, culture and traditions should be protected at global level ! – Sadguru (Dr) Charudatta Pingale
Onterviewed by Shri. Satchidananda Mishra of ‘Hindi Himalini Patrika’
Shri. Satchidananda Mishra of ‘Hindi Himalini Patrika’ wanted to meet Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale and meeting was arranged on 16th February when he interviewed Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale. While answering to his various questions, Sadguru (Dr) Pingale said, “The third largest population in the world is reducing at global level. There is not a single nation for Hindus in the world. Hindu Dharma, culture and traditions should be protected at universal level.”
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale further said, “False history is being written these days. The fight between good and bad will always go on. Spiritual energy is required to win over bad. Bharat is spread from Himalaya to Indian Ocean. Bharat will spread this energy all over the Universe. ‘Guru-mantra’ is like burning coal. We have to always keep it burning; else it would get extinguished with time and become ash. Guru awakens ‘Teja-tattva’ from ‘Kundalini’ and it is our duty to keep it awakened through spiritual practice.”
Importance of spiritual practice was realized due to articles written on ‘Dharma and Adhyatma’ by HJS in Nepalese language ! – Shri. Govind Adhikari of ‘Hamra Kura’, an on-line portal in Nepalese language
Kathmandu (Nepal) : Shri. Govind Adhikari of ‘Hamra Kura’, an on-line portal in Nepalese language was met on behalf of HJS on 13th February. He publishes HJS’ articles on ‘Dharma and Adhyatma’ in Nepalese language. Shri. Adhikari said that good response was received to such articles and he too realized importance of spirituality due to these articles.
Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale meets ‘Pashupat Yogamargi’ Mahatma Sushil ji
On 13th February, Sadguru (Dr.) Pingale met Mahatma Sushil ji who practises spirituality under ‘Pashupat Yoga-marga’. Mahatma Sushil ji said, “Nepal is a land of worship. It is a nation of Sages. Considering its background of Dharma, culture and traditions, it is necessary to develop Nepal as ‘Tapobhoomi’ instead of working for only her worldly progress.” Mahatma Sushil ji extended good wishes for activities undertaken by HJS for Hindu Rashtra in India, when he was given information on the same.