Pune (Maharashtra): In the background of Ramzan month and Ganesha Festival, there is likelihood of terrorists’ attack during celebration of ‘Ganeshotsava’. The above information was given by Intelligence Agency. Police Commissioner Meera Borwankar has, therefore, advised that every citizen should be alert about his security. She was talking to members of Ganesha festival Committees at the police headquarters in Shivajinagar. (Intelligence Agencies alert the Government about terrorists attacks on number of occasions; but the Government takes no action; therefore, Police Commissioner had to give such advice that ‘citizens should be alert about their security’ . There is no alternative to ousting of such inactive rulers through ballot box ! – Editor SP)
Mrs. Meera Borwankar said, “Police Department has made all preparations in view of the recent serial bomb blasts in Mumbai; but during Ganesha Festival, every festival committee should fit at least 3 CCTVs in the area and assign 50 workers for maintaining security.” (If the festival committees only have to make own security arrangements, why should people pay tax for maintaining such police department? The above instruction indicates to people that they should train themselves in self-defence and be active ! – Editor SP) She also guided people on how to keep an eye on people with suspicious movements.
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
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