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Taliban comes to India

Shravan Pournima, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

By Upananda Brahmachari.

At least 2,500 terrorists are present in launching pads in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) and trying to contact with their links in the remotest corners of India as a whole to arrive and strike India significantly for a Talibani change within 15th August in this monsoon. 15th is the India’s 64th celebration day of Independence so far. High alerts have been issued to 12 major airports in India after getting terror threats in a very Talibani manner. The Govt. is embarrassed, may be. But the public is waiting for another blast or attack like 13/7, 26/11, Sankatmochan, Sheetla Ghat, Akshar Dham, Ahmadabad, Godhra or anything this type amidst a perception of awe and terror under the dictum of Talibani Islamists.

Mr. Jitendra Prasad’s statement about the militancy in Kashmir and POK is quite fearful to anybody concerned to it. In a written statement the Minister of State conveyed in Indian Parliament that “A number of training camps and launching pads are reportedly active in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. As per assessment, there are around 2,500 terrorists in POK,”

The minister also said that 52 infiltration attempts along the Jammu and Kashmir border have taken place till June this year, while last year the number was 489, slightly higher than in 2009 (485).

“Infiltration attempts from across the border in Jammu and Kashmir have shown a marginal increase during the year 2009 and 2010 in comparison with the year 2008,” he said.

On ceasefire violation along the Line of Control (LoC), he said the number of violations which were 77 in 2008 came down to 28 in 2009 and it further increased to 44 in 2010. 19 ceasefire violations have been reported along LoC up to July this year, he said in a reply to another question.

While two infiltrators have been killed till June this year, the corresponding figure for 2010 was 112; for 2009 was 101 and 90 intruders were killed in 2008. The figures for arrested infiltrators stand at one (2010), nine (2009) and six in 2008.

Bangladeshi migrants a threat to India

Bangladeshi migrants a threat to India

Though it is understood the gradual increase of the Talibani Network in India, Govt is failure to combat them in a stronger fashion along with the menace of the three crore illegal Bangladeshi migrants  at present in India. From these three crores illegal migrants hardly 3000 were arrested in last three years. In a paper presented in a seminar in Pune University by Mr. Mohit Roy, an expert on Bangladesh minorities and Infiltration in India, indicated an estimated illegal migration from Bangladesh figured as 1,16,22,850 in 2004. It is very much clear that the numbers of prospective Talibani people are increasing in India by leaps and bounce under the notice of Govt. itself.

It is very disgraceful to the Govt. that they are completely unable to crack down the conspiracy of 13/7 or Malegaon blasts and they are giving highest safety and full amenities to Amir Ajmal Kasab (26/11 Mumbai blast 2008), Afzal Guru (Parliament attack 2001), Mohd Arif alias Ashfaq (the L-e-T terrorist at Red Fort attack on 2000) and torturing upon Swami Aseemananda or Sadhvi Pragya on mere suspect of unreal ‘Hindu Militancy’ or ‘Saffron Terrorism’.

In this pro Islamic stands of the Govt, the militancy and terror both are growing in a crude Talibani manner with a support of fortified fencing of minority sentiment.  The Govt. appointed interlocutors of Kashmir like Ms Radha Kumar and Mr Dilip Padgaonkar were felicitated by Mr. Gulam Nabi Fai (now arrested in  US by FBI for utilizing $4 Million in last two decades against India to separate Kashmir ) and by some his associates. Mr. Fai has been working as an ISI–PAK lobbyist  for the Kashmir militants to degenerate India’s Kashmir and international policy for last 25 years. But Indian Home minister P Chidambaram wants to dilute the matter only to make the prominence of Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umer Farooq and hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani or Mr. Rajendra Sachar (J) for an unabated minority (read Muslim) rights. All these perpetrators-activists working under so called Human Rights, media and civil society are believed to be close friends and recipients of Fai lobby and his anti Indian organization like Kashmiri-American Council. The veteran columnist Smt. Sandhya Jain has already explored the matter and pointed at a FBI-FAI-ISI-UPA Nexus at the international level to promote Talibanisim in India.

Muslim women prohibited for Ramadan marketing

Muslim women prohibited for Ramadan marketing

Jitters on the part of Police and Administration have been surfaced at the time to tackle a group of rowdy boys who deliberately objected and returned the Muslim girls and women who came for Eid marketing at ‘Bhopal Chowk Bazar’. Public stuck with the open banners depicting “aurotun ke liye ghaar jaida behattar hai” means “homes are the more suitable place for the women”.

A group of frenzy Muslim youths were trying to put into practice the preaching of the Bhopal Shahar Qazi Mufti Syed Fazil Qasmi, who had advised women against shopping alone or without purdah (veil). Actually the fanatic City Muslim Cleric understood Bhupal as a part of Afghanistan and issued an instruction to the community members not to send females alone in the market for Ramzan shopping. He also encouraged Muslim women to go for shopping accompanied by a male member from the family and also advised them to use veil.

Inspired by the sermon, some youth went on a rampage, asking women to go home. When the women refused to accept their “firman”, the youth attacked shop keepers with scissors and looted their shops.

Although it was an unsuccessful bid to enforce “Shariat” on women shopping alone in the markets of Bhopal which led to a brawl with shopkeepers on Sunday last. When some shopkeepers jointly moved to police, police came and did nothing to arrest even one so far including the Taliban Cleric of Bhupal. Actually, Talibans in India are too engaged to frame their work out for a big match next. They may now plan to restrict girl students in school, compulsion for Hijab, female castration, honor killing and an integral strategy for Jihad in India. The Talibani days are coming obviously in India.

The Afghan wind in the recent days whirled the US troops there. But that whirlwind cannot be stopped by some ‘fake encounter’ enticed with the disappearance of Bin Laden, Haqqani or Illiyash Kashmiri or through some drone attacks in the remote frontiers. The names of Laden, Baitullah, Mhesud, Haqqani or Kashmiris are greater than their names to the Taliban cadres and the leaders have a common agenda to Talibanize India within next five years.

Now, these Talibani dictums are not only sufficient for Muslims. The fanatics find the scope to show their power of Shariat upon the non-Muslims also. With the scope of the enormous increase of 3 times Muslim (in 1947 Muslims in India were 5 crore and they are now over 15 crore) population through, uncontrolled birth, immigration, mass conversion, love jihad, killing of Hindus in Riots etc, the Indian Talibans have their goal set a Shariat in India, even frightening the common Hindus by any means.

Threatening letter to Hindus by Talibans

Threatening letter to Hindus by Talibans

In the recent past an organization named Tahreek-e-Taliban-Hindusthan claimed to be associated with Darul Uloom Deoband, India issued a dangerous threatening letter to the Hindus of India through internet. The letter dictates as under:

“”[[This Country ‘India’ was never a nation of Hindus. It was ruled and governed by Muslims for hundreds of years. And we the students of tahreek-e-taliban-hindusthan, demand that the Muslim majority areas should be and must be ruled according to the Sharia Law.

Therefore we pass This verdict from today onwards that all the non-muslim living in muslim majority areas should start paying ‘JIZYA’- A tax that every non-muslim has to pay to Live and Work under Muslims.

You have only three choices:

1)      Convert to our great faith ‘Islam” and u will be safe.

2)      Or pay the Jizyah on our terms and conditions and live.

3)      Or accept our challenge and fight us on the battle field.

Ten % of your monthly income must be deposited to the local Mosques on the 1stdate of every month. Failing to do so Or taking this verdict lightly will result in very harsh and serious punishment and it will be considered as act of treason and provocation to War.

INSHALLAH!!! We will make you sure in a way you can never imagine.

Darul Uloom Deoband, India.

You can contact us on the following e-mail address, Phone or Fax:

[email protected]

Phone: 91-1335-222429 Fax: 91-1336-222768]]”"

Apprehending the seriousness of such a hatred campaign, this writer contacted the Darul Uloom Deoband (DUD) through e-mail immediately for fact-findings. But the approach of the DUD in this matter is so reluctant though they replied after repeated request as:

“Dear Upananda Brahmachari, Greetings and regards!

This is to inform you, in reply of your below email, that we are not aware of any such movement. Darul Uloom Deoband neither has any relation with the so-called movement nor does it recognize the ideologies propagated by it. Darul Uloom Deoband believes in peace, mutual harmony and national integration. (Maulana Mufti) Abul Qasim Nomani, Acting Mohtamim, Darul Uloom Deoband.”

But the DUD authority could not find the source of such hatred campaign by a ‘real’ or ‘fake’ Tahreek-e-Taliban-Hindusthan against Hindus by taking their names or could not lodged any FIR against the perpetrators till date or did not issue any public statements against such a threatening letter to the Non Muslims in India, as per available reports. [See the pic. of that letter]

Actually the uncontrolled (by Govt.) Mosques, Madrashas, Majars, Tabligues (preaching parties), Ijtemas (conferences), Local Shariat Courts, Muslim NGOs, Muslim Political Parties, Jihadi Groups like SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India), IM (Indian Mujaheedin), Hijbul, Hurriyat, the ISI-DGFI network and obviously the presence of fifth column everywhere in India – all have drawn the deadline of the democracy in India. The Talibani countdown has begun. It is not difficult to find many foot prints of Talibans in the mini-pakistans or crescent mohallas (areas) through long beards, caps, long length kurthas, too short payzamas, multi layered black burqas, renovated mosques, five times Azan from Mosque minerates in highest volume, road blockade for Friday Namaj in public, make shift beef stalls, 24X7 clubs, carrying fire-arms, all party (political) meeting at Iftar parties & Milad-un-Nabi and suddenly missing some young men for Allah’s most preferred job – JIHAD.

If you disagree, please think a major breakthrough.

Source: Hindu Existence Blog

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