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Plight of Indian soldiers

Shravan Pournima, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

By Patanjali  Rambrich, USA
India spends millions in US dollars each year to fund hundred of thousand of Indian Muslims trips to Mecca for Hajj pilgrimage. Indian politicians looted millions in US dollars on the Commonwealth Games that glorify the British Empire. India subsidizes education for thousands of Islamic Madrasas and Christian educational institutions.
In the US, India spent million of US dollars on a 20 day festival titled “maximum India” at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts which was attended by wealthy professional NRIs and elite Americans. India also funded similar programs in other major cities in America, Canada, Europe, South America, and Africa. India provides millions of financial aid to many foreign nations and provides scholarships to thousands of foreign non-Indians to study in India. India funds the Minority Affairs Ministry although India claims to be a secular nation. The Indians state of Kerala was the first to provide financial aid to the government of Pakistan during the recent flood. 
However, India does not have any money for military veterans and their family. Many Indian military veterans are forced to live a life as beggars. Even, many members of the Indian National Army that fought with Senapati Subhas Chandra Bose were forced to beg and many starved to death after the government of free India refused to recognize and compensate them for their contribution to India’s freedom. This should not be any surprise to anyone. In India and beyond its borders the definition of a “hero” is a Bollywood actors or actresses. What sacrifice have they made for the nation? What hardship have they undertaken? Since when does a person who lives a life of luxury, fame, glamour becomes a “hero”? Why has the NRI community not invited Sunny Doel as a Grand Marshal to any of these grand parades? Is it because he is a patriotic Indian? This is the typical Indian mindset. Most Indians think and act like slaves. Bal Gangadhar Tilak said "a person in slavery cannot even dream about freedom".
Many Indians have very little respect for the men and women in the Indian military. They are treated as commodity and despised by the government. They are insulted, belittled, ridiculed and interrogated by the ISI Indian media. Many Indians thinks a soldier is a profession for those who have been rejected academically. Many Indians think a soldier is a paid servant. What do most of the wealthy and educated Indians do on Republic/ Independence Day? Is it only a day when soldier’s parade and the diplomatic core give lengthy speeches? Recently, on the Jihadi Intifada in Kashmir, Salman Khan states “Oh, it was the fault of the security personnel.”  Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Member of Raj Sabha, states “It pains me to see that our country, our government and a large number of our citizens being unaware and unappreciative of the bravery and sacrifice made by Indian armed forces personnel”. On the issue of one rank, one pension, Rajeev Chandrashekhar, states “I could not get myself to accept 300 percent salary hike when armed forces veterans are forced to take to the streets demanding equitable treatment for their pension”.  The widow of an Indo-Pak war hero is made to survive on a Pension of Rs 80/month. After so many wars and so many fatal casualties, the Indian government has not seen it necessary to build a War memorial. How many Indians are aware that 56 Indian soldiers are still held captive as POW by Pakistan from the 1971 War? These are the typical Indian slave mindset.
As John F Kennedy said “A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers”. Character of a society is reflected in the manner it demonstrates gratitude and support to the brave men and women who protected the nation and who ensured people are free to pursue their dreams. Why should any man or woman in uniform want to lay his life and career on the line, if it is not seen or appreciated by the people and the nation they do it for? Nothing can be more demoralizing for a soldiers or veteran, who fighting night and day to keep the citizens safe, to know that the nation or Government is not backing them and people have no sense of appreciation to their efforts.
In the United States and the rest of the sane world, soldiers, retired military personnel, veterans and all those who wear the uniform are treated as heroes and people go out of their way to demonstrate their love and respect for them. There is always something sacred about the way people in US and many other nations treat their soldiers. The American people and the soldiers have a very close relationship. This relationship is like the Hindu festival Rakshabandan. Americans attend public parades on Flag Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. Americans organize family picnic and display the American flag in front of their house on these days. Many American families fly the flag 365 days in front of their house. American families go to the airport to greet soldiers when they return home from a foreign tour. National and local parades are held in each state, city, and town to welcome soldiers when they bring glory and pride to the nation. Americans tie yellow ribbon on trees to remember soldiers who are serving in foreign nation. If an American soldier dies in combat the entire nation grieves. The death of each soldier is taken seriously by the President. The President provides answers to the family and to the nations. The President attends funeral ceremony for the soldiers. The American flag is lower at half-staff at all government installations in his honor. Prisoner of War flags are still flown at many American homes to remember those soldiers who are listed as missing from the Korean, Vietnam Wars, etc. They are never forgotten. We remember those soldiers who gave their life for their nation on Memorial Day and those who proudly serve their nation on Veterans Day. Americans are proud of our soldiers. We honor them. We treat them like Gods.
In the modern history of India it was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Field Marshal KM Cariappa, Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, etc. and the many brave men and women of the Indian military who fought in WWI, WWII, Kashmir War, Indo-China War, Indo-Pakistan Wars, Kargil, the many Pakistani ISI and Communist Maoists insurgencies who have brought glory to Indians.
Indians have a responsibility to show their gratitude to the brave men and women who have made many sacrifice for the nation. Indians must reflect upon the way they treat these soldiers; and learn to understand, appreciate and empathies with the sacrifices of the soldiers and their families. For starters, citizens must remember that they are able to work, party and go back home to sleep in peace because the men and women in uniform stayed awake to ensure their safety.
Former American President Calvin Coolidge, states “The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten”.
Even one of India’s greatest political strategists Chanakya wrote to Raja Chandragupta centuries ago: “The day the soldier has to demand his dues will be a sad day for Magadha. For then on that day, you will have lost all moral sanction to be king”.

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