Root-cause of corruption is non-abidance of Dharma !

Shravan Krushna Ekadashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

H. H. Parashram Pande Maharaj

H. H. Parashram Pande Maharaj

Issue of Anna Hazare’s movement against corruption

Root-cause of corruption is non-abidance of Dharma ! – H. H. Parashram Pande Maharaj

The root of corruption is in our thoughts. If there is non-abidance of Dharma, our thoughts get polluted due to the covering of ‘Raja-Tama’. Such polluted thoughts increase inclination towards materialism. The ‘Shadripus (six foes)’ like lust, anger, desire, attachment, passion and jealousy surge forward. Such corrupt thoughts and desire naturally lead to one in believing that ‘money can make the mare go (money can buy everything)’. Man feels that he should get all luxuries in life as quickly as possible and he starts behaving in dishonest manner followed with unrighteous acts. He becomes so much engrossed in such behavior that his intellect also does not function in righteous way. His wisdom, sensibilities get destroyed leading to his destruction. This shows the importance of ‘Dharmacharan (abidance of Dharma)’.

Abiding by Dharma results in establishment of divine kingdom !

Today, corrupt thoughts have not only encircled individual human being but also society at large and whole nation. Wicked thoughts leading to anarchy and misconduct in the society have crossed all limits. Such thoughts can be eradicated only with abidance of Dharma. Abiding by Dharma purifies intellect and human becomes ‘Sattvik (Sattva- predominant)’. His behavior also changes to decency and righteousness creating good effect on overall population. Righteous behavior of all brings in divine kingdom.

Huge response received by Anna is an indication of the increasing ‘Sattvikata (Sattva component)’ in the country !

Today, Lokmanya (accepted and acknowledged by the people) Shri. Anna Hazare, is fighting against corruption and he is receiving huge response from all over the country. This is a sign of decrease in ‘Raja –Tama’ covering and increase in the level of ‘Sattvikata’ of the country. Let us pray at the lotus feet of God for success of Shri. Anna Hazare’s movement.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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