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All immersions done in flowing water at Pune

Bhadrapad Shukla Shashthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Devotees immerse appeal made by anti-Hindus to use artificial water tanks !

Devotees immersed Ganesh Idols in flowing river water

Devotees immersed Ganesh Idols in flowing river water

Pune (Maharashtra): Ganesha-devotees, who keep idols for 1-1/2 days, immersed idols today. It rained so heavily that lot of water had to be released from the ‘Khadakvasla’ dam in the river leading to rising water level in the river bed. As a result, the artificial water tanks erected by Municipal Corporation were immersed in water. The devotees, therefore, paid no heed to the appeal made by anti-Hindus to use water tanks and preferred to immerse Sri Ganesha idols in flowing water of the river. 

The so-called progressive organizations seem to develop yearly concern for river and pollution only during the Ganesha Festival celebrated by Hindus. It is then appealed to citizens to use artificial water tanks erected by the Municipal Corporation for the purpose. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has been creating awareness against such immersion by explaining the science; but the Municipal Corporation does not show any positive response to HJS. Mr. Sunil Ghanavat, the district co-ordinator of HJS for Pune, Nagar and Nashik said, “In the heavy rains, the unscientific appeal of anti-Hindus to immerse idols in water tanks got immersed. Our prayers were heard by Sri Ganesha.”

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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