Maharashtra: On 25th August, in a village of Maharashtra, 10 Hindus and 2 Muslim youth were playing cards in the small room in the apex of Shiva Temple. (Hindus should not cause harm to the sanctity of temple by playing cards as it results in causing harm to themselves. Have they seen such things happening at worship places of followers of other religions? – Editor SP) The two Muslims among the group peed in that room. (One cannot be a Hindu if his blood does not boil after reading the above ! – Editor SP)
As the news spread in the village, there was tension in the area. On the following day, Hindus gathered and called the parents of those Muslim youth. Their family members imploring for pardon, washed that part of the room in the temple and said to Hindus, “If this was done by your children, what you would have done?” (This is called thief shouting about theft after himself committing theft ! – Editor SP)
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
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Save temples from Anti–HindusTemples are the centres of Hindu Dharma. Anti Hindu forces like Muslims, Congress, Christians has constantly targetted them. HJS is fighting against these forces.