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Tug of War by Islamist groups to own Delhi Blast to glorify ‘Jihad’

Bhadrapad Shukla Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

It is not the Huji, IM or reconstructed SIMI. Brutal Jihad in Islam is responsible for this loss of Humanity.

NIA (National Investigation Agency – India) is a multilateral high agency that does not only investigate any aftermath of a tragic blast or the untoward invasion of the terrors and the foreign agencies and their outfits or some murders or assassination of  high orders, obviously it has the responsibility to make all liaison and lexicon of the national surveillance and the security reasons of public life. I am afraid, how far the corruption, irresponsibility, inconsistency and the un-patriotic attitude engulfed us in India, so that we can’t stand erect to accept the challenge of these Pakistan  or Bangladesh  linked Jihadi groups in the long run. Our reluctance to root out the theory of Jihad enabling Islamists ‘to make a society of believers and kill all the disbelievers’, has created our permissiveness to accept all these routine blasts (Jihad) here and there, mainly due to  our information gap about Islam. It can give us only death. It is the only punishment in all terrible ways for the Kaffirs, which is rewarding us all these deadly blasts and head counts by our Quran loving, Allah follower terrorists belonging to Islam.

It’s a fun that to search out the internet protocol numbers connected with the email id of some proclaimed HuJI (Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islam) threads from [email protected] or so called Indian Mujahedeen email as [email protected], all claming (discarding others)  their sole responsibilities for the Delhi Terror Blast as to glorify Jihad exclusively done by them. But actual protocol of Jihad is lying in Quran, the only source of these Jihadi havoc, really or wrongfully explained, whatever the case may be. And if the Delhi Blast is revealed any connection of it with the banned SIMI (Students Islamic Movement of India), the main source of such Jihadi handiwork will remain intact with the teaching and instigation of Quran, nothing else in no way.

If our inertia or hesitation deter us to speak the truth without strength, it will decay us under the onslaught of Jihadi provocation and they will speak, listen and follow these sermons: “…Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. (Qur’an. The Cow: 2.98)” or “Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them. (Qur’an. The spoils of War: 8.12)“ or “When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters where ever you find them….(Qur’an. Repentance: 9.5)” or “Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute. (Qur’an. Repentance: 9.29)” or “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Qur’an. Repentance: 9.123)” or “When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Anyone who insults or even opposes Muhammad or his people deserves a humiliating death – by beheading if possible. (Qur’an. Mohammad: 47:4)” or “Those who reject Islam are the vilest of creatures and deserve no mercy. (Quran. The Clear Proof: 98:6)”…….. and many more in the post prayer session-Khutba in Mosques, in the lessons in Madrasah or in the instigations in the Jihadi Training Camps. One can try to justify all these as appropriate in the times of Mohammad and the misunderstanding or the misinterpretations etc. Damn it! All these are still doing the most harmful and terrible operations against the human society from the very beginning.

One of my friends in facebook tried to find other reasons for the blast  in Delhi caused to put a pressure upon a soft and spineless Govt. in India, demanding the ‘repeal of the death sentence of Afzal Guru‘, the Jihadi terrorist attacked Indian Parliament in 2001. The other reasons are (i) this year is the 10th anniversary of the Jihadi attack on India Parliament and Afzal Guru still survives; (ii) it is the jubilation and their way of celebration by Bangladeshi HuJI for getting the permission from Indian PM, Sardar Manmohan Singh to use Tinbigha corridor for 24 hours for infusing Islamic Trades of all kind (Narcotics, Trafficking, Arms and Ammunitions) and to snatch out all the rights of the Jimmies in Indian enclaves (chhitmahals) of 111 numbers having 200000 populace all together and (iii) to celebrate the auspicious return of Sonia Antonia Mino (Sonia Gandhy) to Delhi from US treatment retreat and a magnificent Delhi Dhhammkkaa (blast) happened with a huge war cry of Allah-ho-Akbar in Kashmir Valley, at Afghan-Pak border hides or in HuJI bases is Bangladesh. What can be happened worst than this for a soft and ‘sorbitrate’ state like India which prefers damn hobnobbing with the Islamic states like Pakistan and Bangladesh? India cannot claim its secular identity as it always promotes all kind of fundamental forces very much active in the Mosques and Churches.

India must settle the Jihad issues with hardest perseverance. One day for hanging the entire row of terrorists like Afzal Guru, Kasab and others who waged war against this ‘land of embracing all’. One week for accession of Pak occupied Kashmir (POK) and to resolve the entire Kashmir issue for ever. And a month to make this land terror free state, expunging every signs of Jihad in India including shooting down all venomous ISI and DGFI agents hiding here and there. Yes, even we can lead the world right now.

Source: Hindu Existence Blog

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