HJS & Sanatan’s drive for Ideal Ganesh Festival

Bhadrapad Pournima, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Ganesh- devotees abide by Dharma and awareness towards Dharma created through out the State

The campaign undertaken this year for celebration of Ganesh Festival in ideal manner by Sanatan Sanstha, an organization spreading spirituality and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), an organization engaged in creating awareness among people towards Hindu Nation and Dharma, received very good response all throughout the State. Sanatan Sanstha and HJS have been engaged in guiding people on righteous behavior and abidance of Dharma for the past 10 and 8 years respectively. Based on Dharmashastra, Sanatan has created and brought in the market for sale; ‘sattvik’ Sri Ganesh pictures that have 28.5 % Ganesh –Principle and ‘sattvik’ Sri Ganesh idols having 28.3% of Sri Ganesh Principle.  (Sri Ganesh pictures available in the market presently, have maximum 2% of the Deity’s principle. – Editor SP) People have had many good experiences on using the name-strips of Sri Ganesh, Sri Ganesh’s picture and Sri Ganesh idols,  all made by Sanatan and they have benefited spiritually. Sanatan’s books and booklets on Sri Ganesh also contain important information about Sri Ganesh which is not available anywhere.

HJS undertook campaign using different media for prevention of malpractices taking place in celebration of Ganesh festival and for immersion of idols in flowing water. These two organizations contacted hundreds of Ganesh Festival Committees this year. Some of them carried out the changes as suggested by these organizations in positive manner from the perspective of abiding by Dharma and tried to celebrate the festival in an ideal manner to at least some extent which can be treated as the most special feature of the said movement.

Those devotees who immersed Sri Ganesh idols in flowing water, stopped playing film songs and arranged programs based on protection of Nation and Dharma, have certainly been bestowed with the grace of Lord Ganesh.

With the grace of God and blessings of Saints, the awareness movement undertaken by Sanatan and HJS is successful and hundreds of Hindus have started abiding by Dharma in some form or another. Is it not the beginning of establishment of divine kingdom which is the final aim of Sanatan? Details of movement on ‘ideal Ganesh festival celebrations’ has been given below with the grace of Sri Ganesh !

Special guidance

Mumbai : On behalf of Sanatan Sanstha and ‘Gurukrupa Pratishthan’, scientific information about Lord Ganesh, chanting and importance of the festival was explained; whereas HJS and Dharmashakti Sena made an appeal to devout Hindus to stop denigration of Sri Ganesh taking place in different forms. Three devotees from BMC Colony, Jijamata Udyan and Byculla planning to immerse the idols in artificial water tanks in the colony changed their decision and decided to immerse the idols in flowing water. Shiv Sena, Andheri Branch No. 60 had organized competition for individuals installing Sri Ganesh idols at home for the year 2009-10. There was prize distribution ceremony for the winners of that competition held during this year’s Ganesh Festival. Scientific information on Sri Ganesh was given in this ceremony. A signature drive against the proposed Act for eradication of superstitions was also held during the program in which hundreds of people took part.

1. Mrs. Saxena from Malad bought 80 copies of Sanatan Panchang (calendar) for gifting to the devotees visiting her place for Ganapati – darshan.

2. A sculptor from a work-shop making Sri Ganesh idols at Goregaon purchased 150 booklets on Sri Ganesh published by Sanatan for distribution.

3. Ladies from ‘Maharashtra Nagar Ganeshotsava Mandal’ at Bhandup (W) recited ‘ideal aarti’ and ‘Atharvasheersha’ for 11 days.

4. An article on ‘love jihad’ was published in the souvenir of ‘Diraba Devi Kreeda Mandal’, ‘Maharashtra Mandal’ and ‘Sarvajanik Ganeshotsava Mandal’ from Pantnagar, Ghatkopar

Navi Mumbai

1. Sculptor Mr. Bainkat from Airoli made and sold 20 idols as per the specifications given by Sanatan Sanstha for ‘sattvik’ Ganesh idols.

2. Suyog Mandal from Airoli sponsored 60 special Ganesh Festival issues of Sanatan Prabhat.

3. On 21 ‘Dharmashikshan’ display boards, information about Sri Ganesh was written in Navi Mumbai area.

Karanja (Dist. Washim)

1.Topic on ‘Ideal Ganesh Festival celebrations’ presented in ‘Peace meeting’ of taluka was liked by everyone.

2. One Ganesh Mandal had first selected Ganapati idol shown as sitting on the world cup; but later, they selected a ‘sattvik’ idol.

3. In many Ganesh Committees, guidance on keeping away from tobacco and ‘gutkha’ was given which also received positive response.


In a ‘peace keeping’ meeting held by the District Collector and police, information on celebration of Ganesh Festival in ideal manner was given.

Special changes carried out by Ganesh Festival Committees in Jalgaon District !

Jalgaon – Every year, the scenes depicted in various Ganesh Festival Committees are gaudy.  Sanatan and HJS have been creating awareness here for past few years. This year, in all Ganesh Festival Committees, use of garish decorations, indecent film songs, light music and programs spreading ‘Raja – Tama’ components in the atmosphrere were absent. Instead, devotional songs were played and decorations also looked ‘sattvik’. The following Ganesh Festival Committees had carried out positive changes after Sanatan and HJS guidance. (Congratulations to those Ganesh Committees which carried out positive changes after guidance with reference to ‘Dharmacharan’ ! Sri Ganesh will certainly bestow His grace on the members of such Ganesh Committees ! – Editor SP)

1. A short play was staged by Ekata Ganesh Festival Committee on the topic of ‘Bharatmate che Atmnivedan’.

2. Adesh Mitra Mandal : VCDs on ‘Ideal celebrations of Ganesh Festival’ and ‘love jihad’ were shown with the help of a projector.

3. Sangharsha Mitra Mandal :  Efforts to maintain cleanliness and sanctity of the festival were made sincerely as advised by Sanatan.

4. Jaihind Mitra Mandal : Maximum efforts to maintain cleanliness and sanctity were made as per the guidance of Sanatan. Film songs were not played this year by the Committee.

5. Ashtavinayak Ganesh Mandal : Lectures were arranged on ‘love jihad’ and an exhibition on life history of revolutionaries was held.

6. Shivateertha Ganesh Mandal : Owing to the guidance of HJS, a scene was depicted to appeal to people for celebrating New Year on ‘Gudhi Padva’ instead of 31st December. The members of the Committee wore traditional clothes while taking part in the procession with drums etc. It was shown in every chowk as to how ‘Gudhi Padva’ was celebrated as per the science.


1. Every year, the Town Council uses trash-van to carry idols for immersion. This year, owing to the representation given by HJS, other clean vehicles were used for the purpose.

2. Six Ganesh Festival Committees in the district played the cassette with chanting of Sri Ganesh’s name instead of film songs.


1.Swami Samartha Ganesh Mandal showed the VCD of various activities undertaken by HJS explaining its movement on ideal celebration of Ganesh Festival, ‘love jihad’ and other activities of HJS.

2. Balaji Ganesh Mandal, Songir avoided unwanted expenses. Name –strips of Sanatan were only displayed as decoration around the idol.


1.Shivprerana Ganesh Mandal installed ‘sattvik’ idol of Sri Ganesh, a collective chanting program was held, exhibition showing life history of revolutionaries was put up. Ideal singing of ‘aarti and distribution of ‘prasad’ was held

2. Jai Bajarang Mitra Mandal displayed ‘flex’ boards on the topic of ‘Dharmashikshan’.

Soon we will publish a report on awareness created towards Nation and Dharma through handbills, display boards, sms, VCDs, lectures, exhibitions etc. in all districts of Maharashtra through the Ganesh Festival this year.

Highlights :

  • Many people immersed idols in natural water bodies instead of artificial water tanks
  • Awareness created among thousands of viewers through local cable operators
  • Visit paid to hundreds of Ganesh Festival Committees for creating awareness; some of them adopt the changes
  • Appeal through ‘Flex’, boards and handbills
  • Appeal to Hindus to stop denigration of Sri Ganesh
  • Students taught Dharma through ‘quiz contests’
  • Special features of 2011 movement
  • Ganesh Festival Committees from many districts in North Maharashtra make positive changes
  • Exhibition and sale of ‘sattvik’ idols of Sri Ganesh sculpted as per the science
  • Dharmashakti Sena, youth wing of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) also takes part in the movement
  • Public Ganesh Festival Committees encouraging response to the campaigns of Sanatan Sanstha and HJS  

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

Also See

Ganesh idol

Stop malpractices during Ganesh Festival

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