A member of HJS interrogated by police !

Bhadrapad Krushna Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

In one city, a constable from Investigation Bureau went to the shop of a member of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for inquiry. The member was not in the shop at that time; therefore, the constable called him up over phone from his shop. The conversation that took place between them is given below.

Constable : Your personal information is required. I have come here as per the orders received from ‘top’.

HJS member : I am busy in some important work and will be late in reaching the shop. You can come after 4.00 p.m.

Constable : I will not be able to come again. You can give the information required by me even now over the phone.

(Then Constable asked HJS member about his full name, profession, age, his children etc. M gave all the information asked to him. )

HJS member : Why are you asking me all these questions?

Constable : We have received instructions to collect information about directors of all organizations and Committees; therefore, I have come.

HJS member : Then give me your full name and contact number. (C gave the information.)

HJS member : Information about which organization do you require?

Constable : Hindu Janajagar Samiti

HJS member : How will I have information about such organization?

Constable : Sorry Sir, it is Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

HJS member : I have given all the information in your main office. You can get it confirmed from your boss. I have met him 2-3 times. He also had come to me 1-2 times for translation work.

Constable : Oh, then why am I being sent now? May be, the information has been misplaced or something or may be it is only to confirm your address, contact no. etc. I have to collect this information and report further. Please cooperate with me. 

HJS member : Ok, what information do you need now?

Constable : Are you the President of Hindu Janajagaran Samiti ?

HJS member : No

Constable : Then,  are you secretary? Who is the President?

HJS member : In this ‘Samiti’, there are no posts like President, Secretary or Treasurer etc. All are ‘sevaks’.

Constable : Do you oversee all the work here?

HJS member : No.

Constable : Then what do you do? How many people are working here? 

HJS member : I am not a responsible person in the organization that you are mentioning. In case you need more information, I will come and see you in your office.

Constable : It is not that Sir; but it was learnt that you are the chief, I was given this job about 4 days back; but I was only dillydallying to come so far. Today, I have to report. Please do not misunderstand; I am also a Hindu and I know your sentiments; but what can I do? Please give me information about your organization.

HJS member : About a year back when ‘Dharma-sabha’ were held, I was the then ‘Seva-pramukh’. Presently, the organization is not holding any programs; the number of members has also reduced and I do not get time due to my business; therefore, I do not take part. There are no active members here. At the time of some ‘Dharmaprasar’ activity or ‘Dharmashikshan’ class, somebody sends message and I attend if time permits.

Constable : Does anyone come from outside? From where do they come? Are there any other programs held by your organization?

HJS member : Sometimes, somebody comes from outside; then I get a message from some devout Hindu. We try to create awareness towards Dharma and explain importance of our Dharma to people. Any public program is always organized in lawful manner i.e. abiding by all your rules and regulations and in your presence.

Constable : OK, where is the main office of the ‘Samiti’?

HJS member : There is no such thing like the main office etc. Our ‘Dharmashikshan’ programs are held at many places in Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra etc. 

Constable : Thank you Sir. I will come and personally meet you later. Do not feel bad about this.

HJS member : It is ok, Namaskar !    

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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