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H.H. Yogi Adityanath Maharaj felicitated by HJS

Ashwin Shuddha 2/3, Kaliyug Year 5113

HJS' Shri. Singbal presenting books to HH Yogi Adityanath.

HJS’ Shri. Singbal presenting books to HH Yogi Adityanath.

Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh): H. H. Yogi Adityanath Maharaj, MP elected from Gorakhpur and founder of Hindu Yuva Vahini was felicitated in a gathering recently organized here. Mr. Neelesh Singbal, an activist of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) garlanded H. H. Maharaj. He presented H. H. Maharaj with a brochure giving information about HJS activities and a representation protesting against anti-communal violence prevention Bill. He showed lot of interest and enquired about HJS activities and promised to go through the brochure. About 1000 members attended the program.

While criticizing the proposed anti-communal riots (Communal and targeted violence Bill 2011) Act, H. H. Yogi Adityanath Maharaj said, “Today, while dancing to the tune of Sonia Gandhi, the Congress Government is trying to pass such anti-Hindu laws which were not passed even during the regime of fanatic Aurangzeb. There are shortcomings in the political leadership of this country and the citizens are only facing repression.”

Regarding the current situation of this country, he said, “In the year 2004, there were 56 districts affected by naxalism; but now, there number is 250. Corruption present from right in the Prime Minister’s office to the Gram-panchayat members should be eradicated. People need to fight for this. There should be laws which will give death sentence to the corrupt. The anti-communal riots law is very harmful and detrimental for the very existence of Hindus. If one is a patriot, he should be ready to sacrifice for the nation in favourable as well as adverse conditions; only then, it can be called as patriotism or devotion towards the Nation.”

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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