Ashwin Shuddha 6, Kaliyug Year 5113
HJS opposes anti-Hindu play
In this play, it is shown that Ravana is abusing Srirama in very indecent language. Director of the play, Mr. Om Katare has enacted the role of Goddess Seeta ridiculing her in this play. In the end, it is shown that Ravana is not ready to die as he is not paid his remuneration by the producers of the play. There is mockery of the Holy Scripture. (One cannot be a Hindu if his blood does not boil after reading the above. Om Katare, the director and other artistes who have denigrated Hindu Deities by stooping to such low level are unrighteous. Only because Hindus are tolerant that anyone and everyone dare to denigrate their seats of worship. Would Mr. Katare dare to make mockery of seats of worship of followers of other religions? Hindus must take such unrighteous people to task in lawful manner. – Editor SP)
Devout Hindus are registering their protest on the following contact no. as their religious sentiments have been hurt :
Devout Hindus are protesting lawfully on following Contact Details :Mr. Lalit Sathe, Manager, Pruthvi Theatre Email : [email protected] |
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat