The Uttar Pradesh Police arrested a man for trying to convert to Christianity. According to a report by The Indian Express, the 30-year-old Mandeep Kumar from Delhi was staying in Etah, where he was trying to convert people to Christianity.
According to the report, Kumar had tried to make the Hindu couple read the Bible at their home in Shivsinghpur village on Saturday. The accused Mandeep Kumar, has been residing at a rented house in Etah for the last one month with his wife Margret Anthony.
The man was caught by villagers after he was found to be visiting the house of one Vinod Kumar in Shivsinghpur village. Villagers said that they were against Mandeep’s visits and they had advised Vinod not to allow him to visit them. As the villagers came to know that Mandeep was trying to convert people to Christianity, they informed the police, after which he was arrested.
A police team brought Mandeep to Kotwali police station for questioning. Kotwali police station Inspector (crime) Sanjeev Tyagi said that during questioning, Mandeep has admitted that he was trying to convert Vinod’s family to Christianity. He is a Christian missionary, and his wife Margret Anthony is also Christian.
Police also talked to Mandeep’s target Vinod, and Vinod told police that he was “influenced” by Mandeep to read the Bible, confirming the allegations of the villagers.
Mandeep Singh has been booked under section 295-A of the Indian Penal Code ((deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings). After the arrest, Mandeep Singh was produced before a local court, which sent him to judicial custody. Police also probing the role of Margret in the conversion activities.