Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan along with three other actresses have been summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). Rakul Preet Singh, Simone Khambata and Shraddha Kapoor are the other three names. The names have come up after investigation of Rhea Chakraborty’s chats. Deepika will be questioned on 25th September by the NCB.
Deepika’s name had emerged in the drug abuse probe earlier this week after her WhatsApp conversations went viral. WhatsApp conversations have reportedly gone viral where the actress is allegedly asking for hash (or hashish, drug made from cannabis plant) from a certain person named ‘K’, who many believe is her manager, Karishma Prakash.
As per reports, a conversation on 28th October 2017 went something like this:
10:03 AM (+91-992——-) ‘D’ (believed to be Deepika): K…Maal you have?
10:05 AM (+91-961——-) ‘K’: I have but at home. I am at Bandra…
10:05, K: I can ask Amit if you want
10:07, Deepika: Yes!! Pllleeeeasssee
10:08, K: Amit has. He’s carrying it
10:12, Deepika: Hash na?
10:12, Deepika: Not weed
10:14, K: What time are you coming to Koko
10:15: Deepika: 1130/12ish
10:15: Deepika: Till what time is Shal there?
K: I think she said 11:30 because she needs to at the other place at 12
The Enforcement Directorate while investigating money laundering charges in the Sushant Singh Rajput case uncovered these chats and sent them to the NCB. At least 20 people including Rhea Chakraborty, Sushant Singh Rajput’s girlfriend, and her brother Showik, have been arrested over investigation in the drug abuse probe.
Source : OpIndia