Devout Hindus stop denigration of Shivaji Maharaj by a Muslim

Kartik Shukla 8 ,Kaliyug Varsha 5113

Those born as Hindus should realize the beastly attitude of Muslims of befriending them and denigrating their seats of worship !

Devout Hindus stop denigration of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj from taking place through ‘clip’ sent by a Muslim through his cell phone

Jaalgaon (Maharashtra): A Muslim friend of one Hindu youth from Jaalgaon in Dapoli taluka, sent a ‘clip’ from Mumbai, denigrating Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. (Hindus, who succumb to Congress ‘eyewash’ policy of Hindu – Muslim unity, treat Muslims as their friends. Muslims think of insulting Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj shows that they have so much hatred for Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Will Hindus be able to make mockery of seats of worship of Muslims in this manner? – Editor SP) Few Hindu youth had kept this ‘clip’ on their cell phones. (Hindus can live as Hindus only because of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj; but Hindu youth lack patriotism and respect towards their Dharma; therefore, they keep such ‘clip’ on their cell phones. This is the outcome of Congress Government’s efforts to keep Hindus away from their true and glorifying history. Hindus should oust Congress for making them weak and get ready to establish Hindu Nation ! – Editor SP) Some devout Hindus, however, realized this and forced the youth who had kept such denigrating ‘clip’ on their cell phones, to delete the same. (Congratulation to devout Hindus from Jaalgaon for being alert towards insult of great national heroes and stop their denigration ! Such devout Hindus are the true strength of Hindu Dharma ! – Editor SP)

In this ‘clip’, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was shown as using very abusive language and talking very indecently that women would have been ashamed to hear. As devout Hindus came to know about the ‘clip’, they met the youth who had it on their cell phones and collected information on how many people had such ‘clip’ on their cell phones. Then they asked them to delete it from their phones.

Devout Hindus first went to Dapoli police station and brought it to the notice of police that a ‘clip’ denigrating Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was on cell phones of some people. They informed the police that they were going to ask such people to remove that ‘clip’ and requested the police to help them if necessary. The devout Hindus had to search the source of the clip by following up with many youth. It was then found that the ‘clip’ was sent by a Muslim. The ‘clip’ was handed over by Mr. Manoj Bhambid, Sarpanch of Jaalgaon and other devout Hindus to Dapoli police station.

Devout Hindus create awareness among family members of the youth who had kept such denigrating ‘clip’ on their phones

The devout Hindus did not stop after removing the ‘clip’ from the cell phones of the youth but they contacted their respective family members and explained what had happened creating awareness among them so that such things against Dharma should not occur in future. (Devout Hindus, who go to the root cause of denigration of their seats of worship and then stop such denigration, are needed everywhere ! – Editor SP)

If the unrighteous are quashed in time, only then, Hindu Nation can be established – Mr. Manoj Bhambid, Sarpanch, Jaalgaon

Such perversion needs to be eliminated. If this unrighteousness is quashed in time, only then Hindu Nation can be established. An effort is made to malign the name of Chhatrapati Shivaraya revered by whole of Maharashtra. This is an attempt to create rift among Hindus and defame them. Youth should unite now and give an apt reply to such sinful attitude. The initiative taken by local youth to stop denigration is commendable.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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