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HJS ranks among top10 websites & blogs about Hinduism

Kartik Shukla Ekadashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

With the grace of the God and the continuous efforts of our HJS members and devout Hindus associated with the HJS website for a long period of time, we have received acknowledgement for the precious work done by HJS towards the preservation and prosperity of our Hindu Dharma and the Nation.

The HJS website is consistently creating awareness amongst millions of Hindus worldwide on National issues like terrorism, corruption and issues related to Hindu Dharma like the Conversion of Hindus, Attacks in various forms on Hindu Temples etc. for the past 4 years. The HJS website has also succeeded in stopping the denigration of Hindu Deities, Hindu Icons and National Icons on numerous occasions. HJS is also instrumental in gaining worldwide recognition of M F Husain as a Anti-Hindu and Anti-National painter and HJS has succeeded on many occasions in stopping the sale of M F Husain's paintings with the support of devout Hindus all over the world.

Here is the matter posted about Hindu Blogs and Websites on :

You’ve probably come across hundreds of small and rarely updated blogs related to different aspects of Hinduism. To make your life easier in finding interesting, educational and resourceful Hinduism blogs, our senior editorial team has put together the following list of what we think are the top 10 Hindu blogs at the moment.  Each of these blogs has a different focus, ranging from Hindu history, Yoga, Ayurveda to human rights and political issues. The top 10 Hindu blogs (in no specific order) are:

1. Hindu-Blog

Hindu-blog updates regularly about matters related to Hinduism (like festivals, fasting, rituals), the latest developments in Hindu society and religion and explores Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). The high frequency in posts by the blogger and mainstream topics helps to keep readers engaged. We recommend this blog be followed by anyone wanting to know the what & why’s of many Hindu traditions, but don’t have hours of time to do research and reading.

2. Bharatendu

An excellent blog exploring Hindu history but with a unique perspective bringing out many not so well known facts. We dare say that this blog is a refreshing change from what we are used to in the Hindu blogosphere and a must read for any enthusiast of history.

3. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

A mixture of news and blogs, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti helps to create awareness for issues with the intent to stop denigration of Hindu Dharma.  It also shares educational posts about Hindu traditions and celebrations.  We’ve noticed that most of its posts topics are somewhat exclusive and hard to find elsewhere on the web in such depth, making it a valuable resource.

4. Hinduism Today’s Blog

Hinduism Today is a worldwide publication focusing on all topics related to Hinduism and the Hindu community. This magazine inspired many members of The Chakra team and their blog is a great way to be up-to-date on all trending Hindu topics. Their blog also contains a daily inspiration post which we find very enlightening.

5. Western Hindu

Western Hindu is about a British Bloggers’ path towards the Hindu religion. The blog gives great insight and perspective of how a Caucasian westerner embraced Sanatana Dharma and his continued learning’s of various traditions and scriptures. Would recommend for anyone interested in Hinduism.

6. Manasa-Taramgini

“Manasataramgini” loosely translated from Sanskrit as means “mind waves”, a fitting name indeed for an encyclopedic blog exploring such diverse topics as Hindu art, architecture, history, evolutionary biology, and paleontology to name a few while consistently maintaining top quality standards. A truly thought-provoking and engrossing read once you begin!

7. Jaisiyaram Blog

Run by a non-profit organization, this blog contains a mix of posts on yoga, ayurveda and Hindu nutrition. We thought there should be at least one blog on this list covering these important Vedic sciences and traditions. Make sure you read this blog if you want to stay fit and live a healthy Hindu lifestyle.

8. Hindu Devotional Blog

A great blog full of mantras and bhajans for all Gods and Goddesses and is one of the best devotional resources we found available. Many of the blog posts are interactive with pictures and videos of the chants and mantras.

9. Hindu Human Rights

Hindu Human Rights (HHR) focuses on human rights issues and atrocities against Hindus around the world. If you want to follow  the latest injustices faced by the Hindu community then this is only single place you will find this information along with related posts, picture galleries and actions.

10. Blog

Part of the Hare Krishna movement, ‘Back to Godhead’ is a magazine that also manages this blog. The blog provides information on everyday life from a Krishna conscious perspective and is a great read for any spiritual junkie.

Source : The Chakra

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