A devout Hindu named Anita Roy has started petition to stop Howrah Police Officer from promoting cow slaughter violating Kolkata High Court judgment. The petition can be signed at :
About this petition (as per described on Petition website) :
This is an urgent petition, requesting the Government of West Bengal (Paschim Banga), India to take strong action against the errant Officer-in-Charge of Amta Police Station (Howrah district) who is Promoting Cow Slaughter (to pander to extremist elements) and is thereby openly violating the Honorable High Court Judgment (dated November 13, 2010).
We urge the Honorable Home Secretary Dr.G.D.Gautama (IAS) to investigate the atrocities being committed by the aforementioned police officer on those thousands of villagers who refuse to kowtow to his dictatorial demands that they support and make arrangements for slaughtering of cows on Bakr Eid (which falls on November 7, 2011 i.e. Next Monday)