Mumbai: In the month of October, the State Home Department and Animal Husbandry Department had issued orders for police stations and local independent organizations n Maharashtra wherein it was instructed that ‘Cows and cattle should not be killed. Action should be taken on those who illegally transported animals for purpose of killing. The cattle should be medically examined and can be slaughtered only after obtaining certification that it was, otherwise, of no use’ etc. Mumbai High Court had issued an order two days before ‘Bakri Id’ that police and Municipalities should seriously follow the instructions.
Even then, Muslims from all over the State paid no heed to such instructions on the occasion of Bakr Id. The Act to prohibit slaughtering of cows is lying on the table of the President for signature. Taking into account all such incidents, Hindus will realize the importance of passing such Act. Bajarang Dal has decided to stage nation-wide agitation for this purpose. (All Hindus should support Bajarang Dal’s agitation ! – Editor SP)
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat